Jan Slaets
Jan Slaets
Professor do Instituto de Física de São Carlos - USP
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A new technique to construct a wavelet transform matching a specified signal with applications to digital, real time, spike, and overlap pattern recognition
RC Guido, JFW Slaets, R Köberle, LOB Almeida, JC Pereira
Digital Signal Processing 16 (1), 24-44, 2006
Recording from two neurons: second-order stimulus reconstruction from spike trains and population coding
NM Fernandes, BDL Pinto, LOB Almeida, JFW Slaets, R Köberle
Neural computation 22 (10), 2537-2557, 2010
A complex biological system: the fly's visual module
MS Baptista, LOB de Almeida, JFW Slaets, R Köberle, C Grebogi
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2008
Remote monitoring of environmental variables for modeling of pesticide transport in soil
A Torre-Neto, PE Cruvinel, JFW Slaets, S Crestana
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 13 (1), 115-122, 1997
Individual discrimination of freely swimming pulse-type electric fish from electrode array recordings
P Matias, JFW Slaets, RD Pinto
Neurocomputing 153, 191-198, 2015
Matrix calculations with SIMD floating point instructions on x86 processors
A Muezerie, RJ Nakashima, G Travieso, J Slaets
Anais do XIII Simpósio de Arquitetura de Computadores e Processamento de …, 2001
On the efficiency of parallel pipelined architectures
L da Fontoura Costa, JFW Slaets
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 39 (9), 2086-2089, 1991
Processamento Digital de Sinais: Wavelets x Fourier
RC Guido, JFW Slaets, LO Almeida
Revista Saber Eletrônica, 20-24, 2012
Introduction to the special issue on wavelet-based algorithms and emergent classification techniques in science and engineering
RC Guido, JC Pereira, JFW Slaets
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 227 (2), 221-222, 2009
Parallel computing: A case study
JFW Slaets, G Travieso
Computer physics communications 56 (1), 63-67, 1989
Filter Bank for Audio Coding
RC Guido, LS Vieira, FL Sanchez, JFW Slaets, LO Almeida, A Gonzaga, ...
Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM …, 0
Emergent artificial intelligence approaches for pattern recognition in speech and language processing
RC Guido, JC Pereira, JFW Slaets
Computer Speech and Language 24 (3), 431-432, 2010
Automated pulse discrimination of two freely-swimming weakly electric fish and analysis of their electrical behavior during dominance contest
RT Guariento, TS Mosqueiro, P Matias, VB Cesarino, LOB Almeida, ...
Journal of Physiology-Paris 110 (3), 216-223, 2016
VSImG: A high frame rate bitmap based display system for neuroscience research
LOB de Almeida, JFW Slaets, R Köberle
Neurocomputing 74 (10), 1762-1768, 2011
Recording from two neurons: second order stimulus reconstruction from spike trains
N Fernandes, BDL Pinto, LOB Almeida, JFW Slaets, R Köberle
Neural Comput. v10 i22, 2537-2557, 2009
Implementação de dinâmica molecular em uma rede de transputers
G Travieso, JFW Slaets
Anais do IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Arquitetura de Computadores e …, 1992
The object representation model
C Traina Jr, JFW Slaets
Technical Report of ICMSC-University of São Paulo, 1992
Measurement of acoustical second‐order Doppler effect as an introductory experiment to special relativity
D Schiel, J Slaets, S Mascarenhas
American Journal of Physics 46 (3), 211-213, 1978
Introduction to the special issue on Emergent Applications of Fractals and Wavelets in Biology and Biomedicine
RC Guido, JC Pereira, JFW Slaets
Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 (207), 3-4, 2009
Advances on pattern recognition for speech and audio processing
R Capobianco Guido, JC Pereira, JFW Slaets
Pattern Recognition Letters 28 (11), 2007
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Articles 1–20