Tomasz Wasak
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Quantum Bose-Bose droplets at a dimensional crossover
P Zin, M Pylak, T Wasak, M Gajda, Z Idziaszek
Physical Review A 98 (5), 051603, 2018
Bell correlations between spatially separated pairs of atoms.
DK Shin, BM Henson, SS Hodgman, T Wasak, J Chwedeńczuk, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4447, 2019
Entanglement-based signature of nonlocal dispersion cancellation
T Wasak, P Szańkowski, W Wasilewski, K Banaszek
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (5), 052120, 2010
Bell inequality, einstein-podolsky-rosen steering, and quantum metrology with spinor bose-einstein condensates
T Wasak, J Chwedeńczuk
Physical review letters 120 (14), 140406, 2018
Multipartite entanglement dynamics in a regular-to-ergodic transition: Quantum Fisher information approach
K Gietka, J Chwedeńczuk, T Wasak, F Piazza
Physical Review B 99 (6), 064303, 2019
Quantum-Zeno Fermi polaron in the strong dissipation limit
T Wasak, R Schmidt, F Piazza
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013086, 2021
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and particle entanglement
T Wasak, P Szańkowski, P Ziń, M Trippenbach, J Chwedeńczuk
Physical Review A 90 (3), 033616, 2014
Optimal measurements in phase estimation: simple examples
T Wasak, A Smerzi, L Pezzé, J Chwedeńczuk
Quantum information processing 15, 2231-2252, 2016
Four-wave mixing in a parity-time (PT)-symmetric coupler
T Wasak, P Szańkowski, VV Konotop, M Trippenbach
Optics Letters 40 (22), 5291-5294, 2015
Bogoliubov theory for atom scattering into separate regions
T Wasak, P Szańkowski, R Bücker, J Chwedeńczuk, M Trippenbach
New Journal of Physics 16 (1), 013041, 2014
Tradeoffs for number squeezing in collisions of Bose-Einstein condensates
P Deuar, T Wasak, P Ziń, J Chwedeńczuk, M Trippenbach
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (1), 013617, 2013
Single-atom transistor as a precise magnetic field sensor
K Jachymski, T Wasak, Z Idziaszek, PS Julienne, A Negretti, T Calarco
Physical Review Letters 120 (1), 013401, 2018
Quantum-enhanced interferometry and the structure of twisted states
K Gietka, P Szańkowski, T Wasak, J Chwedeńczuk
Physical Review A 92 (4), 043622, 2015
Trap-induced shape resonances in an ultracold few-body system of an atom and static impurities
M Sroczyńska, T Wasak, K Jachymski, T Calarco, Z Idziaszek
Physical Review A 98 (1), 012708, 2018
Cauchy–schwarz inequality for general measurements as an entanglement criterion
T Wasak, P Szańkowski, M Trippenbach, J Chwedeńczuk
Quantum Information Processing 15, 269-278, 2016
Stabilization of solitons under competing nonlinearities by external potentials
KB Zegadlo, T Wasak, BA Malomed, MA Karpierz, M Trippenbach
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 24 (4), 2014
Generation of scalable many-body Bell correlations in spin chains with short-range two-body interactions
M Płodzień, T Wasak, E Witkowska, M Lewenstein, J Chwedeńczuk
Physical Review Research 6 (2), 023050, 2024
Quantum droplets in a dipolar Bose gas at a dimensional crossover
P Zin, M Pylak, T Wasak, K Jachymski, Z Idziaszek
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 54 (16), 165302, 2021
Atom laser based on four-wave mixing with Bose-Einstein condensates in nonlinear lattices
T Wasak, VV Konotop, M Trippenbach
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (6), 063626, 2013
Raman scattering of atoms from a quasicondensate in a perturbative regime
T Wasak, J Chwedeńczuk, P Ziń, M Trippenbach
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (4), 043621, 2012
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Articles 1–20