Hamid Razavi
Hamid Razavi
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Cited by
Evaluation of the effects of a plasma activated medium on cancer cells
S Mohades, M Laroussi, J Sears, N Barekzi, H Razavi
Physics of Plasmas 22 (12), 2015
Temporal evaluation of the anti‐tumor efficiency of plasma‐activated media
S Mohades, N Barekzi, H Razavi, V Maruthamuthu, M Laroussi
Plasma Processes and Polymers 13 (12), 1206-1211, 2016
Investigation of cracking by cylindrical dielectric barrier discharge reactor on the n-hexadecane as a model compound
MR Khani, SHR Barzoki, MS Yaghmaee, SI Hosseini, M Shariat, B Shokri, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39 (9), 1807-1813, 2011
Review on recent progress in patterning phase change materials
M Shen, T Lill, N Altieri, J Hoang, S Chiou, J Sims, A McKerrow, ...
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 38 (6), 2020
Indirect generation of a large-volume diffuse plasma by an ionization wave from a plasma jet
M Laroussi, H Razavi
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 43 (7), 2226-2229, 2015
Measurement of hydrogen peroxide concentrations in plasma activated media
J Sears, S Mohades, H Razavi, M Laroussi
22nd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Antwerp, Belgium, 2015
Diagnostics of Diffuse Large Volume Plasma Generated by an External Ionization Wave
H Razavi, M Laroussi
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 62, 2017
Measurement of plasma parameter in dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) by Moiré deflectometry technique
FS Meidanshahi, K Madanipour, B Shokri, MR Khani, HR Borzoki
Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection IX 9525, 926-932, 2015
Effects of growth medium treated by plasma pencil on the viability of scaber cancer cells
S Mohades, N Barekzi, H Razavi, M Laroussi
2014 IEEE 41st International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS) held with …, 2014
Generation of Large-Volume Diffuse Plasma by an External Ionization Wave From a Single-Electrode Plasma Jet
SH Razavi Barzoki
The Selective Effect of Plasma Activated Media on Cells
S Mohades, N Barekzi, V Maruthamuthu, H Razavi, M Laroussi
2017 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), 1-1, 2017
Remote Generation of Large-Volume Electropositive Plasma at Reduced Pressure by Means of Guided Fast Ionization Waves From a Plasma Jet as a Power Source
H Razavi, S Mohades, M Laroussi
2017 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), 1-1, 2017
Anti-tumor Effects of Plasma Activated Media and Correlation with Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration
M Laroussi, S Mohades, N Barekzi, V Maruthamuthu, H Razavi
APS Annual Gaseous Electronics Meeting Abstracts, MW6. 120, 2016
Generation of Diffuse Large Volume Plasma by an Ionization Wave from a Plasma Jet
M Laroussi, H Razavi
APS Annual Gaseous Electronics Meeting Abstracts, GT1. 105, 2015
Effects of aged PAM on cancer cells
S Mohades, N Barekzi, H Razavi, M Laroussi
2015 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS), 1-1, 2015
Using fluorescence to measure hydrogen peroxide concentrations in plasma activated media
J Sears, S Mohades, H Razavi, M Laroussi
2015 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS), 1-1, 2015
Laser-induced Fluorescence and Optical Emission Spectroscopy for the Determination of Reactive Species in the Effluent of Atmospheric Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Jets
X Pei, H Razavi, X Lu, M Laroussi
APS Annual Gaseous Electronics Meeting Abstracts, GT1. 022, 2014
Evaluation of the Efficacy of the Plasma Pencil Against Cancer Cells
S Mohades, N Barekzi, H Razavi, M Laroussi
APS Annual Gaseous Electronics Meeting Abstracts, HW3. 002, 2014
Spatial correlation between emitting species and plasma bullet propagation in low temperature plasma jets
H Razavi, S Mohades, M Laroussi
2014 IEEE 41st International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS) held with …, 2014
Spatially Resolved Measurements of Emitting Species in Low Temperature Plasma Microjets
SH Razavi Barzoki, S Mohades, N Barekzi, M Laroussi
APS Annual Gaseous Electronics Meeting Abstracts, HW1. 048, 2013
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Articles 1–20