Roberto Andreani
Roberto Andreani
Professor of mathematics
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On augmented Lagrangian methods with general lower-level constraints
R Andreani, EG Birgin, JM Martínez, ML Schuverdt
SIAM Journal on Optimization 18 (4), 1286-1309, 2008
Augmented Lagrangian methods under the constant positive linear dependence constraint qualification
R Andreani, EG Birgin, JM Martínez, ML Schuverdt
Mathematical Programming 111 (1), 5-32, 2008
On sequential optimality conditions for smooth constrained optimization
R Andreani, G Haeser, JM Martínez
Optimization 60 (5), 627-641, 2011
A relaxed constant positive linear dependence constraint qualification and applications
R Andreani, G Haeser, ML Schuverdt, PJS Silva
Mathematical Programming 135 (1), 255-273, 2012
On the relation between constant positive linear dependence condition and quasinormality constraint qualification
R Andreani, JM Martínez, ML Schuverdt
Journal of optimization theory and applications 125 (2), 473-483, 2005
Two new weak constraint qualifications and applications
R Andreani, G Haeser, ML Schuverdt, PJS Silva
SIAM Journal on Optimization 22 (3), 1109-1135, 2012
A new sequential optimality condition for constrained optimization and algorithmic consequences
R Andreani, JM Martínez, BF Svaiter
SIAM Journal on Optimization 20 (6), 3533-3554, 2010
A cone-continuity constraint qualification and algorithmic consequences
R Andreani, JM Martinez, A Ramos, PJS Silva
SIAM Journal on Optimization 26 (1), 96-110, 2016
Convergent algorithms for protein structural alignment
L Martínez, R Andreani, JM Martínez
BMC bioinformatics 8, 1-15, 2007
Constant-rank condition and second-order constraint qualification
R Andreani, CE Echagüe, ML Schuverdt
Journal of Optimization theory and Applications 146 (2), 255-266, 2010
On second-order optimality conditions for nonlinear programming
R Andreani, JM Martínez, ML Schuverdt
Optimization 56 (5-6), 529-542, 2007
Strict constraint qualifications and sequential optimality conditions for constrained optimization
R Andreani, JM Martínez, A Ramos, PJS Silva
Mathematics of Operations Research 43 (3), 693-717, 2018
On the resolution of the generalized nonlinear complementarity problem
R Andreani, A Friedlander, SA Santos
SIAM Journal on Optimization 12 (2), 303-321, 2002
Second-order negative-curvature methods for box-constrained and general constrained optimization
R Andreani, EG Birgin, JM Martínez, ML Schuverdt
Computational Optimization and Applications 45 (2), 209-236, 2010
A second-order sequential optimality condition associated to the convergence of optimization algorithms
R Andreani, G Haeser, A Ramos, PJS Silva
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 37 (4), 1902-1929, 2017
New sequential optimality conditions for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints and algorithmic consequences
R Andreani, G Haeser, LD Secchin, PJS Silva
SIAM Journal on Optimization 29 (4), 3201-3230, 2019
A sequential optimality condition related to the quasi-normality constraint qualification and its algorithmic consequences
R Andreani, NS Fazzio, ML Schuverdt, LD Secchin
SIAM Journal on Optimization 29 (1), 743-766, 2019
On the solution of mathematical programming problems with equilibrium constraints
R Andreani, JM Martı´ nez
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 54, 345-358, 2001
An inexact-restoration method for nonlinear bilevel programming problems
R Andreani, SLC Castro, JL Chela, A Friedlander, SA Santos
Computational Optimization and Applications 43 (3), 307-328, 2009
Optimality conditions and global convergence for nonlinear semidefinite programming
R Andreani, G Haeser, DS Viana
Mathematical Programming 180, 203-235, 2020
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Articles 1–20