Louise Gwenneth Phillips
Cited by
Cited by
Research through, with and as storying
LG Phillips, T Bunda, EP Quintero
Taylor & Francis, 2018
A comparison of general self-efficacy and drinking refusal self-efficacy in predicting drinking behavior
TPS Oei, P Hasking, L Phillips
The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse 33 (6), 833-841, 2007
Storytelling: The seeds of children's creativity
L Phillips
Australasian journal of early childhood 25 (3), 1-5, 2000
Human rights education: developing a theoretical understanding of teachers’ responsibilities
C Robinson, L Phillips, A Quennerstedt
Educational Review 72 (2), 220-241, 2020
Social justice storytelling and young children's active citizenship
LG Phillips
Discourse: Studies in the cultural politics of education 31 (3), 363-376, 2010
Surveying and resonating with teacher concerns during COVID-19 pandemic
LG Phillips, M Cain, J Ritchie, C Campbell, S Davis, C Brock, G Burke, ...
Teachers and Teaching, 1-18, 2021
The Role of Storytelling in Early Literacy Development.
L Phillips
For full text: http://www. home. aone. net. au/stories/doc/childhd. htm., 1999
Exhausted beyond measure’: What teachers are saying about COVID-19 and the disruption to education
L Phillips, M Cain
The conversation 4, 2020
Storytelling as pedagogy
L Phillips
Literacy Learning: The Middle Years 21 (2), ii-iv, 2013
Possibilities and quandaries for young children's active citizenship
L Phillips
Early Education & Development 22 (5), 778-794, 2011
Civic action and play: Examples from Maori, Aboriginal Australian and Latino communities
JK Adair, L Phillips, J Ritchie, S Sachdeva
Reconsidering The Role of Play in Early Childhood, 132-145, 2020
Young children’s active citizenship: storytelling, stories, and social actions
LG Phillips
Queensland University of Technology, 2010
Teaching during COVID 19 times–The experiences of drama and performing arts teachers and the human dimensions of learning
S Davis, LG Phillips
NJ 44 (2), 66-87, 2020
Retribution and rebellion: Children’s meaning making of justice through storytelling
LG Phillips
International Journal of Early Childhood 44, 141-156, 2012
Young children’s citizenship membership and participation: comparing discourses in early childhood curricula of Australia, New Zealand and the United States
LG Phillips, J Ritchie, JK Adair
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 50 (4), 592-614, 2020
Ten ways for cultivating language and literacy learning through engagement with families and communities...
L Phillips
Practically Primary 20 (1), 40-41, 2015
Human rights for children and young people in Australian curricula
L Phillips
Curriculum Perspectives 36 (2), 1-14, 2016
5 Researchers as Participants, Participants as Researchers
L Phillips, A Zavros
The Role of Participants in Education Research: Ethics, Epistemologies, and …, 2012
Emergent motifs of social justice storytelling as pedagogy
L Phillips
Storytelling, Self, Society 8 (2), 108-125, 2012
I want to do real things: Explorations of children's active community participation
LG Phillips
Research in Early Childhood Education for Sustainability, 194-207, 2014
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Articles 1–20