Bruce R. Davis
Bruce R. Davis
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University of Adelaide, Australia
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A review of stochastic resonance: Circuits and measurement
GP Harmer, BR Davis, D Abbott
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 51 (2), 299-309, 2002
Power spectral density of road profiles
BR Davis, AG Thompson
Vehicle System Dynamics 35 (6), 409-415, 2001
An optimal linear active suspension with finite road preview
AG Thompson, BR Davis, CEM Pearce
SAE Transactions, 2009-2020, 1980
A systemized view of superluminal wave propagation
W Withayachumnankul, BM Fischer, B Ferguson, BR Davis, D Abbott
Proceedings of the IEEE 98 (10), 1775-1786, 2010
An improved importance sampling method for digital communication system simulations
B Davis
IEEE transactions on communications 34 (7), 715-719, 1986
Optimal linear active suspensions with derivative constraints and output feedback control
AG Thompson, BR Davis
Vehicle System Dynamics 17 (4), 179-192, 1988
Efficient Utilization of Satellite Transponders via Time‐Division Multibeam Scanning
AS Acampora, BR Davis
Bell System Technical Journal 57 (8), 2901-2914, 1978
Optimal linear active suspensions with integral constraint
BR Davis, AG Thompson
Vehicle System Dynamics 17 (6), 357-366, 1988
Simple derivation of the thermal noise formula using window-limited Fourier transforms and other conundrums
D Abbott, BR Davis, NJ Phillips, K Eshraghian
IEEE Transactions on education 39 (1), 1-13, 1996
Too good to be true: when overwhelming evidence fails to convince
LJ Gunn, F Chapeau-Blondeau, MD McDonnell, BR Davis, A Allison, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2016
Computation of the rms state variables and control forces in a half-car model with preview active suspension using spectral decomposition methods
AG Thompson, BR Davis
Journal of Sound and Vibration 285 (3), 571-583, 2005
Some identities involving the Riemann zeta function, II
R Sitaramachandrarao, B Davis
Indian J. Pure Appl. Math 17 (10), 1175-1186, 1986
FM noise with fading channels and diversity
B Davis
IEEE Transactions on Communication Technology 19 (6), 1189-1200, 1971
Active suspensions with vibration absorbers and optimal output feedback control
AG Thompson, BR Davis, FJM Salzborn
SAE transactions, 698-707, 1984
Delay analysis for a TDMA channel with contiguous output and Poisson message arrival
KT Ko, B Davis
IEEE transactions on communications 32 (6), 707-709, 1984
Signal rich art: enabling the vision of ubiquitous computing
B Davis
Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics III 7880, 11-20, 2011
Propagation at 500 MHz for mobile radio
BR Davis, RE Bogner
IEE Proceedings F (Communications, Radar and Signal Processing) 132 (5), 307-320, 1985
A space-division multiple-access protocol for spot-beam antenna and satellite-switched communication network
KT Ko, B Davis
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 1 (1), 126-132, 1983
RMS values of force, stroke and tyre deflection in a half-car model with preview controlled active suspension
AG Thompson, BR Davis
Vehicle System Dynamics 39 (3), 245-253, 2003
Potassium conductance models related to an interactive subunit membrane
AH Bretag, BR Davis, DIB Kerr
The Journal of Membrane Biology 16, 363-380, 1974
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Articles 1–20