Nicole Webster
Nicole Webster
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania
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Cited by
Cited by
A communal catalogue reveals Earth’s multiscale microbial diversity
LR Thompson, JG Sanders, D McDonald, A Amir, J Ladau, KJ Locey, ...
Nature 551 (7681), 457-463, 2017
Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change
R Cavicchioli, WJ Ripple, KN Timmis, F Azam, LR Bakken, M Baylis, ...
Nature Reviews Microbiology 17 (9), 569-586, 2019
Insights into the coral microbiome: underpinning the health and resilience of reef ecosystems
DG Bourne, KM Morrow, NS Webster
Annual review of microbiology 70 (1), 317-340, 2016
Marine sponges and their microbial symbionts: love and other relationships
NS Webster, MW Taylor
Environmental Microbiology 14, 335-346, 2012
Diversity, structure and convergent evolution of the global sponge microbiome
T Thomas, L Moitinho-Silva, M Lurgi, JR Björk, C Easson, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11870, 2016
Assessing the complex sponge microbiota: core, variable and species-specific bacterial communities in marine sponges
S Schmitt, P Tsai, J Bell, J Fromont, M Ilan, N Lindquist, T Perez, ...
The ISME Journal 6, 564-576, 2012
Minimum information about an uncultivated virus genome (MIUViG)
S Roux, EM Adriaenssens, BE Dutilh, EV Koonin, AM Kropinski, ...
Nature biotechnology 37 (1), 29-37, 2019
Phylogenetic Diversity of Bacteria Associated with the Marine Sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile
NS Webster, KJ Wilson, LL Blackall, RT Hill
Applied and environmental microbiology 67 (1), 434-444, 2001
Deep sequencing reveals exceptional diversity and modes of transmission for bacterial sponge symbionts
NS Webster, MW Taylor, F Behnam, S Lücker, T Rattei, S Whalan, M Horn, ...
Environmental Microbiology 12 (8), 2070-2082, 2010
Functional equivalence and evolutionary convergence in complex communities of microbial sponge symbionts
L Fan, D Reynolds, M Liu, M Stark, S Kjelleberg, NS Webster, T Thomas
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (27), E1878-E1887, 2012
Metamorphosis of a scleractinian coral in response to microbial biofilms
NS Webster, LD Smith, AJ Heyward, JEM Watts, RI Webb, LL Blackall, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70 (2), 1213-1221, 2004
Could some coral reefs become sponge reefs as our climate changes?
JJ Bell, SK Davy, T Jones, MW Taylor, NS Webster
Global change biology 19 (9), 2613-2624, 2013
The culturable microbial community of the Great Barrier Reef sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile is dominated by an α-Proteobacterium
NS Webster, RT Hill
Marine Biology 138, 843-851, 2001
Metamorphosis of broadcast spawning corals in response to bacteria isolated from crustose algae
AP Negri, NS Webster, RT Hill, AJ Heyward
Marine Ecology Progress Series 223, 121-131, 2001
Sponge disease: a global threat?
NS Webster
Environmental Microbiology 9 (6), 1363-1375, 2007
The sponge hologenome
NS Webster, T Thomas
MBio 7 (2), 10.1128/mbio. 00135-16, 2016
Sponge‐specific clusters revisited: a comprehensive phylogeny of sponge‐associated microorganisms
RL Simister, P Deines, ES Botté, NS Webster, MW Taylor
Environmental Microbiology 14, 517-524, 2012
Temperature thresholds for bacterial symbiosis with a sponge
NS Webster, RE Cobb, AP Negri
The ISME journal 2 (8), 830-842, 2008
Diverse microbial communities inhabit Antarctic sponges
NS Webster, AP Negri, MMHG Munro, CN Battershill
Environmental microbiology 6 (3), 288-300, 2004
Natural volcanic CO2 seeps reveal future trajectories for host–microbial associations in corals and sponges
KM Morrow, DG Bourne, C Humphrey, ES Botté, P Laffy, J Zaneveld, ...
The ISME journal 9 (4), 894-908, 2015
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Articles 1–20