Stefan Bode
Stefan Bode
New York University Abu Dhabi
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The effect of strategies, goals and stimulus material on the neural mechanisms of emotion regulation: A meta-analysis of fMRI studies
C Morawetz, S Bode, B Derntl, HR Heekeren
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 72, 111-128, 2017
Predicting free choices for abstract intentions
CS Soon, AH He, S Bode, JD Haynes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (15), 6217-6222, 2013
Neural responses to unattended products predict later consumer choices
A Tusche, S Bode, JD Haynes
Journal of neuroscience 30 (23), 8024-8031, 2010
Tracking the unconscious generation of free decisions using uitra-high field fMRI
S Bode, AH He, CS Soon, R Trampel, R Turner, JD Haynes
PloS one 6 (6), e21612, 2011
Decoding sequential stages of task preparation in the human brain
S Bode, JD Haynes
Neuroimage 45 (2), 606-613, 2009
Effective amygdala-prefrontal connectivity predicts individual differences in successful emotion regulation
C Morawetz, S Bode, J Baudewig, HR Heekeren
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 12 (4), 569-585, 2017
Changes in effective connectivity between dorsal and ventral prefrontal regions moderate emotion regulation
C Morawetz, S Bode, J Baudewig, E Kirilina, HR Heekeren
Cerebral Cortex 26 (5), 1923-1937, 2016
Intrinsic valuation of information in decision making under uncertainty
D Bennett, S Bode, M Brydevall, H Warren, C Murawski
PLoS computational biology 12 (7), e1005020, 2016
Predicting perceptual decision biases from early brain activity
S Bode, DK Sewell, S Lilburn, JD Forte, PL Smith, J Stahl
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (36), 12488-12498, 2012
Decoding successive computational stages of saliency processing
C Bogler, S Bode, JD Haynes
Current Biology 21 (19), 1667-1671, 2011
Neural representation of emotion regulation goals
C Morawetz, S Bode, J Baudewig, AM Jacobs, HR Heekeren
Human brain mapping 37 (2), 600-620, 2016
Predictions drive neural representations of visual events ahead of incoming sensory information
T Blom, D Feuerriegel, P Johnson, S Bode, H Hogendoorn
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (13), 7510-7515, 2020
The neural encoding of information prediction errors during non-instrumental information seeking
M Brydevall, D Bennett, C Murawski, S Bode
Scientific reports 8 (1), 6134, 2018
Demystifying “free will”: The role of contextual information and evidence accumulation for predictive brain activity
S Bode, C Murawski, CS Soon, P Bode, J Stahl, PL Smith
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 47, 636-645, 2014
The Socio-Moral Image Database (SMID): A novel stimulus set for the study of social, moral and affective processes
DL Crone, S Bode, C Murawski, SM Laham
PloS one 13 (1), e0190954, 2018
Health warnings promote healthier dietary decision making: Effects of positive versus negative message framing and graphic versus text-based warnings
DH Rosenblatt, S Bode, H Dixon, C Murawski, P Summerell, A Ng, ...
Appetite 127, 280-288, 2018
Hard decisions shape the neural coding of preferences
K Voigt, C Murawski, S Speer, S Bode
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (4), 718-726, 2019
Coping with confounds in multivoxel pattern analysis: What should we do about reaction time differences? A comment on Todd, Nystrom & Cohen 2013
A Woolgar, P Golland, S Bode
Neuroimage 98, 506-512, 2014
Electronic measurement of adherence to pediatric antiretroviral therapy in South Africa
AD Müller, S Bode, L Myer, P Roux, N von Steinbüchel
The Pediatric infectious disease journal 27 (3), 257-262, 2008
The Decision Decoding ToolBOX (DDTBOX)–A multivariate pattern analysis toolbox for event-related potentials
S Bode, D Feuerriegel, D Bennett, PM Alday
Neuroinformatics 17, 27-42, 2019
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Articles 1–20