Lena Gustafsson
Lena Gustafsson
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Higher levels of multiple ecosystem services are found in forests with more tree species
L Gamfeldt, T Snäll, R Bagchi, M Jonsson, L Gustafsson, P Kjellander, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1340, 2013
Retention forestry to maintain multifunctional forests: a world perspective
L Gustafsson, SC Baker, J Bauhus, WJ Beese, A Brodie, J Kouki, ...
BioScience 62 (7), 633-645, 2012
Threatened plant, animal, and fungus species in Swedish forests: distribution and habitat associations
Å Berg, B Ehnström, L Gustafsson, T Hallingbäck, M Jonsell, J Weslien
Conservation biology 8 (3), 718-731, 1994
Biodiversity and ecosystem services in forest ecosystems: a research agenda for applied forest ecology
AS Mori, KP Lertzman, L Gustafsson
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (1), 12-27, 2017
A major shift to the retention approach for forestry can help resolve some global forest sustainability issues
DB Lindenmayer, JF Franklin, A Lõhmus, SC Baker, J Bauhus, W Beese, ...
Conservation letters 5 (6), 421-431, 2012
Can retention forestry help conserve biodiversity? A meta‐analysis
K Fedrowitz, J Koricheva, SC Baker, DB Lindenmayer, B Palik, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 51 (6), 1669-1679, 2014
Dying and dead trees. A review of their importance for biodiversity
J Samuelsson, L Gustafsson, T Ingelög
Rapport-Naturvaardsverket (Sweden), 1994
Tree retention as a conservation measure in clear-cut forests of northern Europe: a review of ecological consequences
L Gustafsson, J Kouki, A Sverdrup-Thygeson
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 25 (4), 295-308, 2010
Does forest continuity matter in conservation?–A study of epiphytic lichens and bryophytes in beech forests of southern Sweden
Ö Fritz, L Gustafsson, K Larsson
Biological conservation 141 (3), 655-668, 2008
Factors of importance for the epiphytic vegetation of aspen Populus tremula with special emphasis on bark chemistry and soil chemistry
L Gustafsson, I Eriksson
Journal of Applied Ecology 32, 412-424, 1995
Retention of trees at final harvest—evaluation of a conservation technique using epiphytic bryophyte and lichen transplants
P Hazell, L Gustafsson
Biological conservation 90 (2), 133-142, 1999
Woodland key habitats in northern Europe: concepts, inventory and protection
J Timonen, J Siitonen, L Gustafsson, JS Kotiaho, JN Stokland, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 25 (4), 309-324, 2010
Retention as an integrated biodiversity conservation approach for continuous-cover forestry in Europe
L Gustafsson, J Bauhus, T Asbeck, ALD Augustynczik, M Basile, J Frey, ...
Ambio 49, 85-97, 2020
Bryophyte flora and vegetation of managed and virgin coniferous forests in south-west Sweden
L Gustafsson, T Hallingbäck
Biological conservation 44 (4), 283-300, 1988
How climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies can threaten or enhance the biodiversity of production forests: Insights from Sweden
A Felton, L Gustafsson, JM Roberge, T Ranius, J Hjältén, J Rudolphi, ...
Biological Conservation 194, 11-20, 2016
Threat levels and threats to red-listed species in Swedish forests
Å Berg, B Ehnström, L Gustafsson, T Hallingbäck, M Jonsell, J Weslien
Conservation biology 9 (6), 1629-1633, 1995
Spatial and temporal scales relevant for conservation of dead-wood associated species: current status and perspectives
A Sverdrup-Thygeson, L Gustafsson, J Kouki
Biodiversity and conservation 23, 513-535, 2014
Salvage logging in the world’s forests: Interactions between natural disturbance and logging need recognition
AB Leverkus, DB Lindenmayer, S Thorn, L Gustafsson
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (10), 1140-1154, 2018
Keeping pace with forestry: Multi-scale conservation in a changing production forest matrix
A Felton, T Löfroth, P Angelstam, L Gustafsson, J Hjältén, AM Felton, ...
Ambio 49, 1050-1064, 2020
Salvage logging effects on regulating and supporting ecosystem services—A systematic map
AB Leverkus, JM Rey Benayas, J Castro, D Boucher, S Brewer, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48 (9), 983-1000, 2018
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Articles 1–20