David Edmund Allen
David Edmund Allen
School of Maths and Statistics University of Sydney, School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan, and
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Cited by
Dividend policy and stock price volatility: Australian evidence
DE Allen, VS Rachim
Applied financial economics 6 (2), 175-188, 1996
The pecking order hypothesis: Australian evidence
DE Allen
Applied Financial Economics 3 (2), 101-112, 1993
Multivariate GARCH hedge ratios and hedging effectiveness in Australian futures markets
W Yang, DE Allen
Accounting & Finance 45 (2), 301-321, 2005
Good cell culture practice for stem cells and stem-cell-derived models
D Pamies, A Bal-Price, A Simeonov, D Tagle, D Allen, D Gerhold, D Yin, ...
ALTEX-Alternatives to animal experimentation 34 (1), 95-132, 2017
The long-run gains from international equity diversification: Australian evidence from cointegration tests
DE Allen, G MacDonald
Applied Financial Economics 5 (1), 33-42, 1995
The determinants of the capital structure of listed Australian companies: the financial manager's perspective
DE Allen
Australian Journal of Management 16 (2), 103-128, 1991
The determinants of corporate capital structure: Japanese evidence
DE Allen, H Mizuno
Applied Economics 21 (5), 569-585, 1989
Experts' estimates of task durations in software development projects
J Hill, LC Thomas, DE Allen
International journal of project management 18 (1), 13-21, 2000
A Test of the Persistence in the Performance of UK Managed Funds
DE Allen, ML Tan
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 26 (5‐6), 559-593, 1999
Advances in research on the impacts of anti-submarine sonar on beaked whales
Y Bernaldo de Quirós, A Fernandez, RW Baird, RL Brownell Jr, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1895), 20182533, 2019
CATMoS: collaborative acute toxicity modeling suite
K Mansouri, AL Karmaus, J Fitzpatrick, G Patlewicz, P Pradeep, D Alberga, ...
Environmental health perspectives 129 (4), 047013, 2021
Extreme market risk and extreme value theory
AK Singh, DE Allen, PJ Robert
Mathematics and computers in simulation 94, 310-328, 2013
Daily market news sentiment and stock prices
DE Allen, M McAleer, AK Singh
Applied Economics 51 (30), 3212-3235, 2019
Volatility spillovers from the Chinese stock market to economic neighbours
DE Allen, R Amram, M McAleer
Mathematics and computers in simulation 94, 238-257, 2013
Investigating other leading indicators influencing Australian domestic tourism demand
G Yap, D Allen
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 81 (7), 1365-1374, 2011
Finite sample properties of the QMLE for the Log-ACD model: Application to Australian stocks
D Allen, F Chan, M McAleer, S Peiris
Journal of Econometrics 147 (1), 163-185, 2008
Guidance document on good cell and tissue culture practice 2.0 (GCCP 2.0)
D Pamies, M Leist, S Coecke, G Bowe, D Allen, G Gstraunthaler, ...
Optimal planning of an emergency ambulance service
CE Bell, D Allen
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 3 (2), 95-101, 1969
The United Kingdom: a Europeanized government in a non-Europeanized polity
D Allen
The member states of the European Union, 119-141, 2005
The long-run performance of initial public offerings in Thailand
DE Allen, NJ Morkel-Kingsbury, W Piboonthanakiat
Applied Financial Economics 9 (3), 215-232, 1999
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Articles 1–20