Nishant Shukla
Cited by
Cited by
Machine Learning with TensorFow
N Shukla
Manning Publications, 2017
Robot learning with a spatial, temporal, and causal and-or graph
C Xiong, N Shukla, W Xiong, SC Zhu
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2016), 2016
Jointly learning grounded task structures from language instruction and visual demonstration
C Liu, S Yang, S Saba-Sadiya, N Shukla, Y He, SC Zhu, J Chai
Proceedings of the 2016 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2016
Objective method for presumptive field-testing of illicit drug possession using centrifugal microdevices and smartphone analysis
ST Krauss, TP Remcho, SM Lipes, R Aranda IV, HP Maynard III, N Shukla, ...
Analytical Chemistry 88 (17), 8689-8697, 2016
Hematocrit analysis through the use of an inexpensive centrifugal polyester-toner device with finger-to-chip blood loading capability
BL Thompson, RJ Gilbert, M Mejia, N Shukla, DM Haverstick, GT Garner, ...
Analytica Chimica Acta 924, 1-8, 2016
Optical imaging of paramagnetic bead-DNA aggregation inhibition allows for low copy number detection of infectious pathogens
JA DuVall, JC Borba, N Shafagati, D Luzader, N Shukla, J Li, K Kehn-Hall, ...
PLoS One 10 (6), e0129830, 2015
Rapid detection of Clostridium difficile via magnetic bead aggregation in cost-effective polyester microdevices with cell phone image analysis
JA DuVall, ST Cabaniss, ML Angotti, JH Moore, M Abhyankar, N Shukla, ...
Analyst 141 (19), 5637-5645, 2016
System and Method for Artificial Intelligence Driven Automated Companion
N Shukla, R Fang, C Liu
US Patent App. 16/233,879, 2019
System and method for adaptive detection of spoken language via multiple speech models
N Shukla
US Patent App. 16/276,950, 2019
System and method for selective animatronic peripheral response for human machine dialogue
N Shukla
US Patent 11,504,856, 2022
System and method for detecting physical proximity between devices
N Shukla
US Patent App. 16/233,539, 2019
Learning human utility from video demonstrations for deductive planning in robotics
N Shukla, Y He, F Chen, SC Zhu
Conference on robot learning, 448-457, 2017
A Unified Framework for Human-Robot Knowledge Transfer
N Shukla, C Xiong, SC Zhu
2015 AAAI Fall Symposium on AI for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI 2015), 2015
System and method for identifying a point of interest based on intersecting visual trajectories
N Shukla
US Patent 11,017,551, 2021
Task Learning through Visual Demonstration and Situated Dialogue
C Liu, JY Chai, N Shukla, SC Zhu
AAAI 2016 Workshop on Symbiotic Cognitive Systems, 2016
Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook
N Shukla
Packt Publishing, 2014
System and method for inferring scenes based on visual context-free grammar model
N Shukla, A Dharne
US Patent App. 16/277,505, 2019
System and method for personalized and adaptive application management
N Rajab, N Shukla
US Patent 10,567,570, 2020
Systems, devices and methods for analyzing and identifying substances
JP Landers, ST Krauss, N Shukla
US Patent App. 15/770,035, 2018
Utility Learning, Non-Markovian Planning, and Task-Oriented Programming Language
N Shukla
University of California, Los Angeles, 2019
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Articles 1–20