James A. Schneider
James A. Schneider
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The UWA-05 method for prediction of axial capacity of driven piles in sand
BM Lehane, JA Schneider, X Xu
Proc., 1st Int. Symp. on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, 683-689, 2005
Analysis of factors influencing soil classification using normalized piezocone tip resistance and pore pressure parameters
JA Schneider, MF Randolph, PW Mayne, NR Ramsey
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 134 (11), 1569-1586, 2008
Effect of penetration rate on penetrometer resistance in clay
SF Chung, MF Randolph, JA Schneider
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 132 (9), 1188-1196, 2006
Database assessment of CPT-based design methods for axial capacity of driven piles in siliceous sands
JA Schneider, X Xu, BM Lehane
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 134 (9), 1227-1244, 2008
Scale effects on tension capacity for rough piles buried in dense sand
BM Lehane, C Gaudin, JA Schneider
Géotechnique 55 (10), 709-719, 2005
Velocity effects on piezocone measurements in normally and over consolidated clays
JA Schneider, BM Lehane, F Schnaid
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 7 (2), 23-34, 2007
A review of design methods for offshore driven piles in siliceous sand
BM Lehane, JAA Schneider, X Xu
The University of Western Australia, 2005
Small-and large-strain soil properties from seismic flat dilatometer tests
PW Mayne, JA Schneider, GK Martin
Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on Pre-Failure Deformation Characteristics of …, 1999
Influence of dilation angle on drained shallow circular anchor uplift capacity
JR Giampa, AS Bradshaw, JA Schneider
International Journal of Geomechanics 17 (2), 04016056, 2017
Linking cyclic stress and cyclic strain based methods for assessment of cyclic liquefaction triggering in sands
JA Schneider, RES Moss
Géotechnique Letters 1 (2), 31-36, 2011
Field and laboratory measurements of dynamic shear modulus of Piedmont residual soils
JA Schneider, L Hoyos, PW Mayne, EJ Macari, GJ Rix, B Edelen
Geotechnical Special Publication, 12-25, 1999
The influence of effective area ratio on shaft friction of displacement piles in sand
DJ White, JA Schneider, BM Lehane
Taylor & Francis, 2005
Cone penetration test (CPT) methods for end-bearing assessment of open-and closed-ended driven piles in siliceous sand
X Xu, JA Schneider, BM Lehane
Canadian geotechnical journal 45 (8), 1130-1141, 2008
CPT based design of driven piles in sand for offshore structures
BM Lehane, JA Schneider, X Xu
Internal Rep. No. GEO 5345, 2005
Evaluating axial drilled shaft response by seismic cone
PW Mayne, JA Schneider
Comparing CPTU QF and QΔu2v0′soil classification charts
JA Schneider, JN Hotstream, PW Mayne, MF Randolph
Géotechnique Letters 2 (4), 209-215, 2012
Settlement prediction for footings on sand
B Lehane, J Doherty, JA Schneider
Settlement prediction for footings on sand, 133-150, 2008
Geotechnical site characterization in the greater Memphis area using cone penetration tests
JA Schneider, PW Mayne, GJ Rix
Engineering Geology 62 (1-3), 169-184, 2001
Analysis of piezocone data for displacement pile design
JA Schneider
University of Western Australia, 2007
Geotechnical engineering circular No. 5 evaluation of soil and rock properties
PJ Sabatini, RC Bachus, PW Mayne, JA Schneider, TE Zettler
United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Bridge Technology, 2002
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Articles 1–20