James Webb
James Webb
Australian National University
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Cited by
Teleportation of nonclassical wave packets of light
N Lee, H Benichi, Y Takeno, S Takeda, J Webb, E Huntington, ...
Science 332 (6027), 330-333, 2011
Enhancing the security of delayed differential chaotic systems with programmable feedback
C Robilliard, EH Huntington, JG Webb
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 53 (8), 722-726, 2006
Photon number projection using non-number-resolving detectors
PP Rohde, JG Webb, EH Huntington, TC Ralph
New Journal of Physics 9 (7), 233, 2007
Homodyne measurement of the average photon number
JG Webb, TC Ralph, EH Huntington
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (3), 033808, 2006
Multiplexed communication over a high-speed quantum channel
M Heurs, JG Webb, AE Dunlop, CC Harb, TC Ralph, EH Huntington
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (3), 032325, 2010
Photostatistics Reconstruction via Loop Detector Signatures.
JG Webb, EH Huntington
Optics express 17 (14), 11799-11812, 2009
Satellite characterization, classification, and operational assessment via the exploitation of remote photoacoustic signatures
J Spurbeck, M Jah, D Kucharski, JC Bennett, JG Webb
Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference (AMOS), 2018
Near real time satellite event detection, characterization, and operational assessment via the exploitation of remote photoacoustic signatures
J Spurbeck, MK Jah, D Kucharski, JCS Bennett, JG Webb
The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences 68, 197-224, 2021
High-definition photometry—A new tool for space debris characterization
D Kucharski, G Kirchner, JC Bennett, MK Jah, JG Webb
Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Canberra …, 2018
Ultra-wide frequency response measurement of an optical system with a DC photo-detector
KB Kuntz, TA Wheatley, H Song, JG Webb, MA Mabrok, EH Huntington, ...
Optics Express 25 (2), 573-586, 2017
The measurement, creation and manipulation of quantum optical states via photodetection
J Webb
UNSW Sydney, 2009
High sampling rate photometry of spinning satellites for nano-perturbation detection
D Kucharski, JC Bennett, G Kirchner, MK Jah, JG Webb, J Spurbeck
Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference (AMOS), 2018
Time-resolved temperature and number density measurements in a repetitively pulsed nanosecond discharge
R Manoharan, T Boyson, J Webb, S O'Byrne
Optics and Photonics for Energy and the Environment, ETu2A. 1, 2015
Quantum non-Gaussian and Gaussian states at multiple side-band frequencies
KB Kuntz, H Song, JG Webb, TA Wheatley, A Furusawa, TC Ralph, ...
CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, FTh3A. 3, 2014
Quantum non-Gaussian and Gaussian States at Multiple Side-band Frequencies
EH Huntington, TC Ralph, TA Wheatley, A Furusawa, KB Kuntz, JG Webb, ...
CLEO: 2014, 2014
Generation of a comb of vacuum squeezing over 2.4 GHz for multiplexed communication
M Heurs, JG Webb, TC Ralph, EH Huntington
CLEO/QELS: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, 1-2, 2010
Quantum teleportation of wavepackets in a non-Gaussian state
N Lee, Y Takeno, H Benichi, H Yonezawa, J Webb, E Huntington, L Mista, ...
2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum …, 2009
Frequency response measurement of optical cavities using an intensity modulated laser beam and direct power measurement
KB Kuntz, TA Wheatley, JG Webb, H Song, MA Mabrok, EH Huntington
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Articles 1–18