Michael Schwarz
Michael Schwarz
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Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality
P Abbot, J Abe, J Alcock, S Alizon, JAC Alpedrinha, M Andersson, ...
Nature 471 (7339), E1-E4, 2011
Changing paradigms in insect social evolution: insights from halictine and allodapine bees
MP Schwarz, MH Richards, BN Danforth
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 52 (1), 127-150, 2007
Local resource enhancement and sex ratios in a primitively social bee
MP Schwarz
Nature 331 (6154), 346-348, 1988
Molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of the large carpenter bees, genus Xylocopa (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
R Leys, SJB Cooper, MP Schwarz
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 77 (2), 249-266, 2002
Intrinsic and extrinsic factors associated with social evolution in allodapine bees
MP Schwarz, LX Silberbauer, PS Hurst
The evolution of social behavior in insects and arachnids 1965 (1971), 333, 1997
Group living in squamate reptiles: a review of evidence for stable aggregations
SMP Gardner MG, Pearson SK, Johnston GR
Biological Reviews, 2015
Evolution of sociality in the allodapine bees: a review of sex allocation, ecology and evolution
MP Schwarz, NJ Bull, K Hogendoorn
Insectes Sociaux 45, 349-368, 1998
High relatedness and inbreeding at the origin of eusociality in gall-inducing thrips
TW Chapman, BJ Crespi, BD Kranz, MP Schwarz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (4), 1648-1650, 2000
Native Australian carpenter bees as a potential alternative to introducing bumble bees for tomato pollination in greenhouses
K Hogendoorn, Z Steen, MP Schwarz
Journal of Apicultural Research 39 (1-2), 67-74, 2000
Bee conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar: diversity, status and threats
CD Eardley, M Gikungu, MP Schwarz
Apidologie 40 (3), 355-366, 2009
Persistent multi-female nests in an Australian allodapine bee, Exoneura bicolor (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae)
MP Schwarz
Insectes Sociaux 33 (3), 258-277, 1986
A mid-cretaceous origin of sociality in xylocopine bees with only two origins of true worker castes indicates severe barriers to eusociality
SM Rehan, R Leys, MP Schwarz
PLoS One 7 (4), e34690, 2012
Molecular phylogenetics of the exoneurine allodapine bees reveal an ancient and puzzling dispersal from Africa to Australia
MP Schwarz, S Fuller, SM Tierney, SJB Cooper
Systematic Biology 55 (1), 31-45, 2006
Molecular phylogenetics of allodapine bees, with implications for the evolution of sociality and progressive rearing
MP Schwarz, NJ Bull, SJB Cooper
Systematic Biology 52 (1), 1-14, 2003
Phylogenetics of the allodapine bee genus Braunsapis: historical biogeography and long‐range dispersal over water
S Fuller, M Schwarz, S Tierney
Journal of Biogeography 32 (12), 2135-2144, 2005
Intra-colony relatedness and sociality in the allodapine bee Exoneura bicolor
MP Schwarz
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 21, 387-392, 1987
The costs and benefits of sociality in a facultatively social bee
SM Rehan, MH Richards, M Adams, MP Schwarz
Animal Behaviour 97, 77-85, 2014
Host-driven diversification of gall-inducing Acacia thrips and the aridification of Australia
MJ McLeish, TW Chapman, MP Schwarz
Bmc Biology 5, 1-13, 2007
Phylogenetics of Australian Acacia thrips: the evolution of behaviour and ecology
DC Morris, MP Schwarz, SJB Cooper, LA Mound
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 25 (2), 278-292, 2002
Molecular Phylogeny of the Large Carpenter Bees, Genus Xylocopa (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Based on Mitochondrial DNA Sequences
R Leys, SJB Cooper, MP Schwarz
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 17 (3), 407-418, 2000
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Articles 1–20