Simon Wolfe
Simon Wolfe
Professor of banking and Finance, University of Southampton
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Cited by
Are competitive banking systems more stable?
K Schaeck, M Cihak, S Wolfe
Journal of Money, Credit and banking 41 (4), 711-734, 2009
Small European banks: Benefits from diversification?
S Mercieca, K Schaeck, S Wolfe
Journal of Banking & Finance 31 (7), 1975-1998, 2007
Can banks in emerging economies benefit from revenue diversification?
S Sanya, S Wolfe
Journal of financial services research 40, 79-101, 2011
Does bank competition and diversification lead to greater stability? Evidence from emerging markets
M Amidu, S Wolfe
Review of Development Finance 3 (3), 152-166, 2013
Internet banking market performance: Turkey versus the UK
C Sayar, S Wolfe
International journal of bank marketing 25 (3), 122-141, 2007
The intraday dynamics of bitcoin
A Eross, F McGroarty, A Urquhart, S Wolfe
Research in international business and finance 49, 71-81, 2019
Bank market structure, competition, and SME financing relationships in European regions
S Mercieca, K Schaeck, S Wolfe
Journal of Financial Services Research 36, 137-155, 2009
The effect of banking market structure on the lending channel: Evidence from emerging markets
M Amidu, S Wolfe
Review of Financial Economics 22 (4), 146-157, 2013
Structural effects of asset-backed securitization
S Wolfe
The European Journal of Finance 6 (4), 353-369, 2000
The impact of market power and funding strategy on bank-interest margins
M Amidu, S Wolfe
Contemporary Issues in Financial Institutions and Markets, 78-98, 2016
Future directions in international financial integration research-A crowdsourced perspective
BM Lucey, SA Vigne, L Ballester, L Barbopoulos, J Brzeszczynski, ...
International Review of Financial Analysis 55, 35-49, 2018
Compliance: A review
J Edwards, S Wolfe
Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 13 (1), 48-59, 2005
The impact of environmental risk on the UK banking sector
G McKenzie, S Wolfe*
Applied Financial Economics 14 (14), 1005-1016, 2004
The compliance function in banks
J Edwards, S Wolfe
Journal of financial regulation and compliance 12 (3), 216-224, 2004
Margin requirements and systemic liquidity risk
M Bakoush, EH Gerding, S Wolfe
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 58, 78-95, 2019
The impact of monetary policy on banks’ credit in Ghana
M Amidu, S Wolfe
Global and Local Dynamics in African Business and Development 9, 1-8, 2008
Competition, concentration and bank soundness: New evidence from the micro-level
K Schaeck, M Cihak, S Wolfe
IMF Working Paper WP, 2006
Disentangling the impact of securitization on bank profitability
M Bakoush, R Abouarab, S Wolfe
Research in International Business and Finance 47, 519-537, 2019
The structure of financial regulation
R Dale, S Wolfe
Journal of financial regulation and compliance 6 (4), 326-350, 1998
Determinants of successful access to bank loans by Vietnamese SMEs: new evidence from the red river delta
S Nguyen, S Wolfe
Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce 21 (1), 1, 2016
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Articles 1–20