Siti Zalifah Mahmud
Siti Zalifah Mahmud
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Cited by
Manufacture and properties of oil palm particleboard
N Ahmad, J Kasim, SZ Mahmud, SAK Yamani, A Mokhtar, NYM Yunus
2011 3rd international symposium & exhibition in sustainable energy …, 2011
Physical and mechanical properties of juvenile wood from Neolamarckia cadamba planted in west Malaysia
SZ Mahmud, R Hashim, AH Saleh, O Sulaiman, NI Saharudin, ML Ngah, ...
Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología 19 (2), 225-238, 2017
F.(2009). Environment Kuznets curve for CO2 emissions: A Cointegration Analysis for China
A Jalil, S Mahmud
Energy Policy, 5167-5172, 0
Adhesive Penetration in Laminated Oil Palm Trunk Veneer
MS Zalifah, SA Hamid, K Izran, A Mansur, SM Nazip
Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 467-474, 2013
Eucalyptus Plantation Worldwide, Its Hybridization and Cloning Development
SH Lee, R Dahali, NH Nik Hashim, M Kusin, SZ Mahmud, N Kamarudin, ...
Eucalyptus: Engineered Wood Products and Other Applications, 1-15, 2023
Screw withdrawal resistance of moulded laminated veneer oil palm (MLVOP) Bonded with formaldehyde resins
AH Saleh, AK Shawkataly, A Seman, I Kamal, NAA Rashid, SZ Mahmud
Modern Applied Science 6 (6), 112-119, 2012
Preliminary study of moulded laminated veneer oil palm (MLVOP)
AH Saleh, I Kamal, NAA Rashid, AK HPS, AS bin Mat Seman, ...
Modern Applied Science 5 (4), 11, 2011
Contact angles of liquid adhesives on oil palm trunk veneer surfaces
SZ Mahmud, M Ahmad
Japanese International Research Center for Agricultural Science (JIRCAS …, 2005
The effect of different types of filler on the mechanical and physical properties of wood plastic composite from Eucalyptus spp
NA Mohammad, SN Sarmin, NH Mohd Hassan, SZ Mahmud, N Ahmad, ...
Gading Journal for Science and Technology 2 (1), 52-59, 2019
Effects of particle sizes, resin content and board densities on the properties of phenol formaldehyde particleboard from oil palm trunk particles
J Kasim, SZ Mahmud, N Ahmad, SAK Yamani, SNA Tamiran, ...
Scientific Research Journal 7 (1), 1-12, 2010
Effect of Wax at Different Resin Content Ratios on the Properties of Particleboard Manufactured from Bambusa vulgaris var. striata
SZ Mahmud, NZYM Yazid, WMNWA Rahman, N Ahmad, NA Mohammad
Fundamental and Applied Sciences in Asia: International Conference on …, 2023
The Effect of Density and Resin Content on Oil Palm Trunk Particleboard
N Ahmad, NYM Yunus, NA Mohammad, NHM Hassan, SZ Mahmud
Materials Science Forum 1056, 69-74, 2022
Physico-mechanical properties of thermoplastic composite reinforced with kelempayan, oil palm trunk and bamboo as fillers
SZ Mahmud, NA Mohammad, NH Suid, NF Mohd Zailani, NF Za’abah, ...
Scientific Research Journal 19 (1), 115-131, 2022
Hybrid coffee tabletop from off-cut tree branches and epoxy resin
SZ Mahmud, MA Anuar, AM Abdul Jalil, N Ahmad, SN Sarmin, ...
The 9th International Innovation, Invention and Design Competition 2020, 382-385, 2020
Densification of Juvenile Planted Kelempayan (Neolamarckia cadamba): Properties of Spectroscopy and Wettability
SZ Mahmud, R Hashim, H Husain, AMA Jalil, M Kusin, N Rosman
Symposium on Innovation and Creativity (iMIT-SIC) 1, 1-4, 2017
ADHESIVE PENETRATION IN LAMINATED OIL PALM TRUNK VENEER/Penembusan perekat dalam venir batang kelapa sawit berlaminasi
SA Hamid, K Izran, A Mansur, SM Nazip, MS Zalifah
Journal of Tropical Forest Science 25, 467-474, 2013
Finishing properties of polyurethane and acid catalyst coating on bamboo strip board
N Kamarudin, N Rosman, SZ Mahmud, NH Nik Hashim, N Mokhtar
Preliminary Study of Moulded Laminated Veneer Oil Palm (MLVOP)
I Kamal, AH Saleh, NAA Rashid, HPS Abdul Khalil, AS bin Mat Seman, ...
Modern Applied Science 5 (4), 1-11, 2011
Strength properties of t-shaped joint members from kelempayan wood
A Seraila, SZ Mahmud
Characterization of finishing with acid catalyst lacquer and nitrocellulose lacquer on sesenduk (endospermum diadenum) wood
Z Kamal, SZ Mahmud
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Articles 1–20