Stuart J. McFarlane
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Cited by
Bee Representations in Human Art and Culture through the Ages
KS Prendergast, JE Garcia, SR Howard, ZX Ren, SJ McFarlane, AG Dyer
Art & Perception, 1- 62, 2021
Alarm tones, music and their elements: Analysis of reported waking sounds to counteract sleep inertia
SJ McFarlane, JE Garcia, DS Verhagen, AG Dyer
PLoS One 15 (1), e0215788, 2020
Auditory countermeasures for sleep inertia: exploring the effect of melody and rhythm in an ecological context
SJ McFarlane, JE Garcia, DS Verhagen, AG Dyer
Clocks & sleep 2 (2), 208-224, 2020
Alarm tones, voice warnings, and musical treatments: a systematic review of auditory countermeasures for sleep inertia in abrupt and casual awakenings
SJ McFarlane, JE Garcia, DS Verhagen, AG Dyer
Clocks & Sleep 2 (4), 416-433, 2020
Exploring internet CO2 emissions as an auditory display
S McFarlane, F Feltham, D Verhagen
Proceedings of the 25th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference …, 2013
The Awakening Futures Sound Positive! Commentary on the Efficacy for Audio to Counteract Sleep Inertia
Stuart J. McFarlane, Jair E. Garcia, Adrian G. Dyer
Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy 10 (Iss.1), No:326, 2021
Auditory Countermeasures for Sleep Inertia: An Ecological Study Examining the Influence of Melody and Rhythm
SJ McFarlane, JE Garcia, DS Verhagen, AG Dyer
bioRxiv, 2020.03. 03.974667, 2020
Auditory countermeasures for sleep inertia
SJ McFarlane
RMIT University, 2020
Alarm tones, music and their elements: A mixed methods analysis of reported waking sounds for the prevention of sleep inertia
SJ McFarlane, JE Garcia, DS Verhagen, AG Dyer
bioRxiv, 607358, 2019
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Articles 1–9