Rana Sayeed
Rana Sayeed
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
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Cited by
Detecting human coronary inflammation by imaging perivascular fat
AS Antonopoulos, F Sanna, N Sabharwal, S Thomas, EK Oikonomou, ...
Science translational medicine 9 (398), eaal2658, 2017
Interactions between vascular wall and perivascular adipose tissue reveal novel roles for adiponectin in the regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase function in human …
M Margaritis, AS Antonopoulos, J Digby, R Lee, S Reilly, P Coutinho, ...
Circulation 127 (22), 2209-2221, 2013
Adiponectin as a link between type 2 diabetes and vascular NADPH oxidase activity in the human arterial wall: the regulatory role of perivascular adipose tissue
AS Antonopoulos, M Margaritis, P Coutinho, C Shirodaria, C Psarros, ...
Diabetes 64 (6), 2207-2219, 2015
Systemic and vascular oxidation limits the efficacy of oral tetrahydrobiopterin treatment in patients with coronary artery disease
C Cunnington, T Van Assche, C Shirodaria, I Kylintireas, AC Lindsay, ...
Circulation 125 (11), 1356-1366, 2012
Mutual regulation of epicardial adipose tissue and myocardial redox state by PPAR-γ/adiponectin signalling
AS Antonopoulos, M Margaritis, S Verheule, A Recalde, F Sanna, ...
Circulation research 118 (5), 842-855, 2016
Myocardial redox state predicts in-hospital clinical outcome after cardiac surgery: Effects of short-term pre-operative statin treatment
C Antoniades, M Demosthenous, S Reilly, M Margaritis, MH Zhang, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 59 (1), 60-70, 2012
Reciprocal effects of systemic inflammation and brain natriuretic peptide on adiponectin biosynthesis in adipose tissue of patients with ischemic heart disease
AS Antonopoulos, M Margaritis, P Coutinho, J Digby, R Patel, C Psarros, ...
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 34 (9), 2151-2159, 2014
Effect of transcatheter aortic valve implantation vs surgical aortic valve replacement on all-cause mortality in patients with aortic stenosis: a randomized clinical trial
T Fairbairn, I Kemp, A Young, C Ronayne, J Barton, J Crowe, L McQuade, ...
Jama 327 (19), 1875-1887, 2022
Effects of canagliflozin on human myocardial redox signalling: clinical implications
H Kondo, I Akoumianakis, I Badi, N Akawi, CP Kotanidis, M Polkinghorne, ...
European Heart Journal 42 (48), 4947-4960, 2021
Myocardial Infarction Causes Increased Expression But Decreased Activity of the Myocardial Na+—Ca2+ Exchanger in the Rabbit
FR Quinn, S Currie, AM Duncan, S Miller, R Sayeed, SM Cobbe, GL Smith
The Journal of physiology 553 (1), 229-242, 2003
Up-regulation of miR-31 in human atrial fibrillation begets the arrhythmia by depleting dystrophin and neuronal nitric oxide synthase
SN Reilly, X Liu, R Carnicer, A Recalde, A Muszkiewicz, R Jayaram, ...
Science translational medicine 8 (340), 340ra74-340ra74, 2016
Paracrine signalling by cardiac calcitonin controls atrial fibrogenesis and arrhythmia
LM Moreira, A Takawale, M Hulsurkar, DA Menassa, A Antanaviciute, ...
Nature 587 (7834), 460-465, 2020
Myocardial perfusion and oxygenation are impaired during stress in severe aortic stenosis and correlate with impaired energetics and subclinical left ventricular dysfunction
M Mahmod, JM Francis, N Pal, A Lewis, S Dass, R De Silva, M Petrou, ...
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 16 (1), 29, 2014
Myocardial steatosis and left ventricular contractile dysfunction in patients with severe aortic stenosis
M Mahmod, S Bull, JJ Suttie, N Pal, C Holloway, S Dass, SG Myerson, ...
Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging 6 (5), 808-816, 2013
Adipose tissue–derived WNT5A regulates vascular redox signaling in obesity via USP17/RAC1-mediated activation of NADPH oxidases
I Akoumianakis, F Sanna, M Margaritis, I Badi, N Akawi, L Herdman, ...
Science translational medicine 11 (510), eaav5055, 2019
Quality of life after transthoracic endoscopic sympathectomy for upper limb hyperhidrosis
RA Sayeed, I Nyamekye, ASK Ghauri, KR Poskitt
European Journal of Surgery 164 (Supplement_1), 39-42, 1998
European real world trans-catheter aortic valve implantation: systematic review and meta-analysis of European national registries
G Krasopoulos, F Falconieri, U Benedetto, J Newton, R Sayeed, ...
Journal of cardiothoracic surgery 11, 1-9, 2016
Predictive value of telomere length on outcome following acute myocardial infarction: evidence for contrasting effects of vascular vs. blood oxidative stress
M Margaritis, F Sanna, G Lazaros, I Akoumianakis, S Patel, ...
European Heart Journal 38 (41), 3094-3104, 2017
What is the optimal timing for surgery in infective endocarditis with cerebrovascular complications?
M Rossi, A Gallo, R Joseph De Silva, R Sayeed
Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 14 (1), 72-80, 2012
Risk factors for mediastinitis following cardiac surgery: the importance of managing obesity
SM Rehman, O Elzain, J Mitchell, B Shine, I Bowler, R Sayeed, S Westaby, ...
Journal of Hospital Infection 88 (2), 96-102, 2014
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Articles 1–20