Ziyuan Wang
Ziyuan Wang
Senior Research Fellow, Swinburne University of Technology
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Cited by
Multiple observation types reduce uncertainty in Australia's terrestrial carbon and water cycles
V Haverd, MR Raupach, PR Briggs, JG Canadell, P Isaac, ...
Biogeosciences 10 (3), 2011-2040, 2013
ArtChain: Blockchain-enabled platform for art marketplace
Z Wang, L Yang, Q Wang, D Liu, Z Xu, S Liu
2019 IEEE international conference on blockchain (blockchain), 447-454, 2019
Proactive traffic merging strategies for sensor-enabled cars
Z Wang, L Kulik, K Ramamohanarao
Proceedings of the fourth ACM international workshop on Vehicular ad hoc …, 2007
Internet of Blockchains: Techniques and Challenges Ahead
Z Wang, HT Vo, D Karunamoorthy, J Wagner, E Abebe, M Mohania
IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, 1574-1581, 2018
Blockchain implementing cross-chain transactions
HT Vo, L Mehedy, MK Mohania, W Ziyuan, E Abebe
US Patent 11,194,837, 2021
A blockchain-enabled federated learning model for privacy preservation: System design
M Qi, Z Wang, F Wu, R Hanson, S Chen, Y Xiang, L Zhu
Information Security and Privacy: 26th Australasian Conference, ACISP 2021 …, 2021
Vehicle-based abnormal travel event detecting and reporting
L Gao, X Liang, XZ Sun, J Tang, Y Wang, W Ziyuan
US Patent 9,472,098, 2016
Actual evapotranspiration estimates for Australia: Intercomparison and evaluation
EA King, TG Van Niel, A Van Dijk, Z Wang, MJ Paget, T Raupach, ...
Water Information Research and Development Alliance Science Symposium …, 2011
Blockchain implementing cross-chain transactions
HT Vo, L Mehedy, MK Mohania, W Ziyuan, E Abebe
US Patent 11,030,217, 2021
PPM: a provenance-provided data sharing model for open banking via blockchain
Z Xu, Q Wang, Z Wang, D Liu, Y Xiang, S Wen
Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, 1-8, 2020
BBM: A blockchain-based model for open banking via self-sovereign identity
C Dong, Z Wang, S Chen, Y Xiang
Blockchain–ICBC 2020: Third International Conference, Held as Part of the …, 2020
A large-scale spatio-temporal data analytics system for wildfire risk management
Z Wang, HT Vo, M Salehi, LI Rusu, C Reeves, A Phan
Proceedings of the Fourth International ACM Workshop on Managing and Mining …, 2017
Privacy protection for blockchain-based healthcare IoT systems: A survey
M Qi, Z Wang, QL Han, J Zhang, S Chen, Y Xiang
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2022
Clamping device for removable disks
D Baum, F Krick, F Rosskopf
US Patent 6,836,461, 2004
Mining social media for ultraviolet light exposure analysis
R Garnavi, TM Lynar, S Pandey, W Ziyuan, JM Wagner
US Patent 9,554,744, 2017
Balanced ultraviolet light exposure recommendations
R Garnavi, TM Lynar, S Pandey, JM Wagner, W Ziyuan
US Patent 9,760,686, 2017
Robust traffic merging strategies for sensor-enabled cars using time geography
Z Wang, L Kulik, K Ramamohanarao
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2009
Distributed ledger technology for document and workflow management in trade and logistics
Z Wang, DY Liffman, D Karunamoorthy, E Abebe
Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and …, 2018
Method and apparatus of private display device
F Cao, J Tang, Y Wang, W Ziyuan
US Patent 9,575,336, 2017
Multiple observation types reduce uncertainty in Australia's terrestrial carbon and water cycles.
V Haverd, MR Raupach, PR Briggs, JG Canadell, P Isaac, ...
Biogeosciences Discussions 9 (9), 2012
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Articles 1–20