Neil Cowie
Neil Cowie
Professor, Dept of Foreign Languages, Okayama University
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Emotions that experienced English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers feel about their students, their colleagues and their work
N Cowie
Teaching and teacher education 27 (1), 235-242, 2011
N Cowie
Qualitative research in applied linguistics: A practical introduction, 165-181, 2009
Exploring and defining teacher autonomy
A Barfield, T Ashwell, M Carroll, K Collins, N Cowie, M Critchley, E Head, ...
Developing Autonomy, Proceedings of the College and University Educators …, 2001
The dark side of motivation: teachers’ perspectives on ‘unmotivation’
K Sakui, N Cowie
ELT journal 66 (2), 205-213, 2012
Crucial but neglected: English as a foreign language teachers' perspectives on learner motivation
N Cowie, K Sakui
na, 2011
It’s never too late: an overview of e-learning
N Cowie, K Sakui
ELT Journal 67 (4), 459-467, 2013
The affordances and challenges of virtual reality for language teaching.
N Cowie, M Alizadeh
International Journal of TESOL Studies 4 (3), 2022
Assessment and e-learning: Current issues and future trends.
N Cowie, K Sakui
JALT Call Journal 11 (3), 271-281, 2015
Teacher and student-created videos in English language teaching
N Cowie, K Sakui
Elt Journal 75 (1), 97-102, 2021
Student transcription for reflective language learning
N Cowie
Elt Journal 72 (4), 435-444, 2018
Using design thinking as an approach to creative and communicative engagement in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom
T Cleminson, N Cowie
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice 18 (4), 7, 2021
To speak English is tedious’: Student resistance in Japanese university classrooms
K Sakui, N Cowie
Narratives of learning and teaching EFL, 98-110, 2008
Analysing mobile learning designs: A framework for transforming learning post-COVID
TD Cochrane, V Narayan, S Aiello, M Alizadeh, J Birt, E Bone, N Cowie, ...
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 38 (4), 1-21, 2022
The emotional lives of experienced EFL teachers
N Cowie
Proceedings of JALT 2003 Conference, Shizuoka, Japan, 256-259, 2003
Students of Process Writing Need Appropriate and Timely Feedback on Their Work, and In Addition, Training in Dealing with That Feedback.
N Cowie
Saitama University Review 31 (1), 181-94, 1995
Three tales of language teacher identity and student motivation
N Cowie, K Sakui
JALT journal 34 (2), 127-150, 2012
Take your pick: Out-of-class, blended language and Web 2.0 projects, and online.
N Cowie, K Sakui
JALT CALL Journal 10 (3), 273-286, 2014
A collaborative design model to support hybrid learning environments during COVID-19
T Cochrane, J Birt, N Cowie, C Deneen, P Goldacre, V Narayan, ...
ASCILITE Publications, 84–89-84–89, 2020
What do sports, learning Japanese, and teaching English have in common? Social-cultural learning theories, that's what
N Cowie
JALT JOURNAL 28 (1), 23, 2006
The development of an ecology of resources for online English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers in a Japanese university during the COVID-19 pandemic
N Cowie
IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 419-430, 2021
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Articles 1–20