Lisa Szykman
Lisa Szykman
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Asset allocation and information overload: The influence of information display, asset choice, and investor experience
JR Agnew, LR Szykman
The Journal of Behavioral Finance 6 (2), 57-70, 2005
Who chooses annuities? An experimental investigation of the role of gender, framing, and defaults
JR Agnew, LR Anderson, JR Gerlach, LR Szykman
American Economic Review 98 (2), 418-422, 2008
Does corporate sponsorship of a socially-oriented message make a difference? An investigation of the effects of sponsorship identity on responses to an anti-drinking and …
LR Szykman, PN Bloom, J Blazing
Journal of Consumer Psychology 14 (1-2), 13-20, 2004
A proposed model of the use of package claims and nutrition labels
LR Szykman, PN Bloom, AS Levy
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 16 (2), 228-241, 1997
Trust, plan knowledge and 401 (k) savings behavior
JR Agnew, LR Szykman, SP Utkus, JA Young
Journal of Pension Economics & Finance 11 (1), 1-20, 2012
Literacy, trust and 401 (k) savings behavior
JR Agnew, L Szykman, SP Utkus, JA Young
Trust and 401, 2007
Empathetic responses to advertising: Testing a network of antecedents and consequences
TA Mooradian, K Matzler, L Szykman
Marketing Letters 19, 79-92, 2008
Benefiting society and the bottom line
PN Bloom, PY Hussein, LR Szykman
Marketing Management 4 (3), 8, 1995
The benefits of corporate social marketing initiatives
PN Bloom, PY Hussein, LR Szykman
Social marketing, 313-331, 2018
Adolescents' responses to anti-tobacco advertising: exploring the role of adolescents' smoking status and advertisement theme
EL Sutfin, LR Szykman, MC Moore
Journal of health communication 13 (5), 480-500, 2008
Annuities, financial literacy, and information overload
J Agnew, L Szykman
Financial Literacy: Implications for Retirement Security and the Financial …, 2011
Who are you and why are you being nice?: investigating the industry effect on consumer reaction to corporate societal marketing efforts
LR Szykman
ACR North American Advances, 2004
An experimental study of the effect of market performance on annuitization and equity allocations
JR Agnew, LR Anderson, LR Szykman
Journal of Behavioral Finance 16 (2), 120-129, 2015
The annuity puzzle and negative framing
JR Agnew, LR Anderson, JR Gerlach, LR Szykman
Center for Retirement Research Brief, 2008
Can health care organizations better contribute to quality of life by focusing on preventive health knowledge?
DR Rahtz, LR Szykman
Journal of Macromarketing 28 (2), 122-129, 2008
What people know about target-date funds: Survey and focus group evidence
JR Agnew, LR Szykman, SP Utkus, JA Young
SSRN, 2013
Information overload and information presentation in financial decision making
J Agnew, L Szykman
Handbook of Behavioral Finance, 2010
How Comparative Product Information Affects Consumers and Competition: The Effects of the Business Week and US News & World Report Ratings.
PN Bloom, LR Szykman
Advances in Consumer Research 25 (1), 1998
Temporal distance to retirement and communication framing: Enhancing retirement financial decision making
NV Montgomery, LR Szykman, JR Agnew
SSRN, 2013
Living on the edge: financial services for the lower socio-economic strata
L Szykman, DR Rahtz, M Plater
Discourse, Diversity and Distinction: Macromarketing at 30 Years 59, 2005
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Articles 1–20