Kevin J. Hsu
Cited by
Cited by
An Internet study of men sexually attracted to children: Sexual attraction patterns.
JM Bailey, KJ Hsu, PA Bernhard
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 125 (7), 976, 2016
An Internet study of men sexually attracted to children: Correlates of sexual offending against children.
JM Bailey, PA Bernhard, KJ Hsu
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 125 (7), 989, 2016
Robust evidence for bisexual orientation among men
J Jabbour, L Holmes, D Sylva, KJ Hsu, TL Semon, AM Rosenthal, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (31), 18369-18377, 2020
Who are gynandromorphophilic men? Characterizing men with sexual interest in transgender women
KJ Hsu, AM Rosenthal, DI Miller, JM Bailey
Psychological Medicine 46 (4), 819-827, 2016
The “furry” phenomenon: Characterizing sexual orientation, sexual motivation, and erotic target identity inversions in male furries
KJ Hsu, JM Bailey
Archives of Sexual Behavior 48, 1349-1369, 2019
Bisexual phenomena among gay-identified men
TL Semon, KJ Hsu, AM Rosenthal, JM Bailey
Archives of sexual behavior 46, 237-245, 2017
Autopedophilia: Erotic-target identity inversions in men sexually attracted to children
KJ Hsu, JM Bailey
Psychological science 28 (1), 115-123, 2017
The psychometric structure of items assessing autogynephilia
KJ Hsu, AM Rosenthal, JM Bailey
Archives of Sexual Behavior 44, 1301-1312, 2015
Who are gynandromorphophilic men? An internet survey of men with sexual interest in transgender women
AM Rosenthal, KJ Hsu, JM Bailey
Archives of Sexual Behavior 46, 255-264, 2017
Visual attention to sexual stimuli in mostly heterosexuals
JS Morandini, A Veldre, AO Holcombe, K Hsu, A Lykins, JM Bailey, ...
Archives of Sexual Behavior 48, 1371-1385, 2019
Sexual arousal patterns of autogynephilic male cross-dressers
KJ Hsu, AM Rosenthal, DI Miller, JM Bailey
Archives of Sexual Behavior 46, 247-253, 2017
Orienting basic research on chronophilias
JM Bailey, KJ Hsu
Archives of Sexual Behavior 46 (1), 23-26, 2017
How autogynephilic are natal females?
JM Bailey, KJ Hsu
Archives of Sexual Behavior 51 (7), 3311-3318, 2022
A map of desire: Multidimensional scaling of men's sexual interest in male and female children and adults
JM Bailey, R Blanchard, KJ Hsu, W Revelle
Psychological medicine 51 (15), 2714-2720, 2021
Ethnic differences in visual attention to sexual stimuli among Asian and White heterosexual women and men
A Ganesan, JS Morandini, A Veldre, KJ Hsu, I Dar-Nimrod
Personality and Individual Differences 155, 109630, 2020
Erotic target identity inversions
KJ Hsu, JM Bailey
Gender and sexuality development: Contemporary theory and research, 589-612, 2022
The poverty of conditioning explanations for sexual interests: Reply to Grey (2019)
KJ Hsu, JM Bailey
Archives of Sexual Behavior 49 (1), 53-55, 2020
Sexual arousal patterns of mostly heterosexual men
JT Jabbour, KJ Hsu, JM Bailey
Archives of Sexual Behavior 49 (7), 2421-2429, 2020
Elaborating and Testing Erotic Target Identity Inversion Theory in Three Paraphilic Samples
JM Bailey, KJ Hsu, HH Jang
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-19, 2023
Racial preferences in sexual attraction among White heterosexual and gay men: Evidence from sexual arousal patterns and negative racial attitudes
KJ Hsu, RF Lei, GV Bodenhausen
Psychophysiology 58 (11), e13911, 2021
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Articles 1–20