Frédéric Guiter
Frédéric Guiter
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New insights on lake sediment DNA from the catchment: Importance of taphonomic and analytical issues on the record quality
C Giguet-Covex, GF Ficetola, K Walsh, J Poulenard, M Bajard, L Fouinat, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 14676, 2019
The last climatic cycles in Western Europe: a comparison between long continuous lacustrine sequences from France and other terrestrial records
F Guiter, V Andrieu-Ponel, JL de Beaulieu, R Cheddadi, M Calvez, ...
Quaternary International 111 (1), 59-74, 2003
1400 years of extreme precipitation patterns over the Mediterranean French Alps and possible forcing mechanisms
B Wilhelm, F Arnaud, P Sabatier, C Crouzet, E Brisset, E Chaumillon, ...
Quaternary Research 78 (1), 1-12, 2012
Vegetation dynamics in north-western Mediterranean regions: instability of the Mediterranean bioclimate
JL De Beaulieu, Y Miras, V Andrieu-Ponel, F Guiter
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2005
A late Holocene pollen record from Lake Almalou in NW Iran: evidence for changing land-use in relation to some historical events during the last 3700 years
M Djamali, JL de Beaulieu, V Andrieu-Ponel, M Berberian, NF Miller, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (7), 1364-1375, 2009
Non-reversible geosystem destabilisation at 4200 cal. BP: Sedimentological, geochemical and botanical markers of soil erosion recorded in a Mediterranean alpine lake
E Brisset, C Miramont, F Guiter, EJ Anthony, K Tachikawa, J Poulenard, ...
The Holocene 23 (12), 1863-1874, 2013
Vegetation history and lake-level changes from the Younger Dryas to the present in Eastern Pyrenees (France): pollen, plant macrofossils and lithostratigraphy from Lake Racou …
F Guiter, V Andrieu-Ponel, G Digerfeldt, M Reille, JL de Beaulieu, P Ponel
Vegetation history and Archaeobotany 14, 99-118, 2005
A historical ecology of the Ecrins (Southern French Alps): Archaeology and palaeoecology of the Mesolithic to the Medieval period
K Walsh, M Court-Picon, JL de Beaulieu, F Guiter, F Mocci, S Richer, ...
Quaternary International 353, 52-73, 2014
Lateglacial/Holocene environmental changes in the Mediterranean Alps inferred from lacustrine sediments
E Brisset, F Guiter, C Miramont, M Revel, EJ Anthony, C Delhon, F Arnaud, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 110, 49-71, 2015
A hundred year record of industrial and urban development in French Alps combining Hg accumulation rates and isotope composition in sediment archives from Lake Luitel
S Guédron, D Amouroux, P Sabatier, C Desplanque, AL Develle, J Barre, ...
Chemical Geology 431, 10-19, 2016
The overlooked human influence in historic and prehistoric floods in the European Alps
E Brisset, F Guiter, C Miramont, T Troussier, P Sabatier, Y Poher, ...
Geology 45 (4), 347-350, 2017
First evidence of “in situ” Eemian sediments on the high plateau of Evian (Northern Alps, France): implications for the chronology of the Last Glaciation
F Guiter, A Triganon, V Andrieu-Ponel, P Ponel, JP Hebrard, G Nicoud, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (1-2), 35-47, 2005
Holocene environmental history of a small Mediterranean island in response to sea-level changes, climate and human impact
Y Poher, P Ponel, F Médail, V Andrieu-Ponel, F Guiter
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 465, 247-263, 2017
Apport des longues séquences lacustres à la connaissance des variations des climats et des paysages pléistocènes
JL de Beaulieu, V Andrieu-Ponel, R Cheddadi, F Guiter, C Ravazzi, ...
Comptes Rendus Palevol 5 (1-2), 65-72, 2006
Lateglacial-Holocene abrupt vegetation changes at Lago Trifoglietti in Calabria, Southern Italy: The setting of ecosystems in a refugial zone
JL de Beaulieu, E Brugiapaglia, S Joannin, F Guiter, G Zanchetta, S Wulf, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 158, 44-57, 2017
Environmental and climate reconstruction of the late-glacial-Holocene transition from a lake sediment sequence in Aubrac, French Massif Central: Chironomid and diatom evidence
E Gandouin, P Rioual, C Paillès, SJ Brooks, P Ponel, F Guiter, M Djamali, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 461, 292-309, 2016
Insect evidence for environmental and climate changes from Younger Dryas to Sub-Boreal in a river floodplain at St-Momelin (St-Omer basin, northern France), Coleoptera and …
P Ponel, E Gandouin, GR Coope, V Andrieu-Ponel, F Guiter, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 245 (3-4), 483-504, 2007
Nouvelles contributions à l’histoire tardiglaciaire et holocène de la végétation en Algérie: analyses polliniques de deux profils sédimentaires du complexe humide d’El-Kala
M Benslama, V Andrieu-Ponel, F Guiter, M Reille, JL de Beaulieu, ...
Comptes Rendus Biologies 333 (10), 744-754, 2010
Lateglacial palaeoenvironments and palaeoclimates from Conty and Houdancourt, northern France, reconstructed from Beetle remains
P Ponel, R Coope, P Antoine, N Limondin-Lozouet, C Leroyer, AV Munaut, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (23-24), 2449-2465, 2005
Reconstructing the landscape evolution and the human occupation of the Lower Sagone River (Western Corsica, France) from the Bronze Age to the Medieval period
M Ghilardi, D Istria, A Curras, M Vacchi, D Contreras, C Vella, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12, 741-754, 2017
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Articles 1–20