Christian Tröster
Christian Tröster
Kühne Logistics University
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Cited by
Keeping (future) rivals down: Temporal social comparison predicts coworker social undermining via future status threat and envy.
S Reh, C Tröster, N Van Quaquebeke
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2017
Structuring for team success: The interactive effects of network structure and cultural diversity on team potency and performance
C Tröster, A Mehra, D van Knippenberg
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 124 (2), 245-255, 2014
When victims help their abusive supervisors: The role of LMX, self-blame, and guilt
C Tröster, N Van Quaquebeke
Academy of Management Journal 64 (6), 1793-1815, 2021
Leader openness, nationality dissimilarity, and voice in multinational management teams
C Tröster, D Van Knippenberg
Journal of International Business Studies 43, 591-613, 2012
The coevolution of social networks and thoughts of quitting
C Tröster, A Parker, D Van Knippenberg, B Sahlmüller
Academy of Management Journal 62 (1), 22-43, 2019
Person-Environment Fit and Self-Determination Theory
GJ Greguras, JM Diefendorff, J Carpenter, C Tröster
The Oxford Handbook of Work Engagement, Motivation, and Self-Determination …, 2014
Managers are less burned-out at the top: The roles of sense of power and self-efficacy at different hierarchy levels
JV Korman, N Van Quaquebeke, C Tröster
Journal of Business and Psychology 37 (1), 151-171, 2022
Publishing multimethod research in AMJ: A review and best-practice recommendations
N Wellman, C Tröster, M Grimes, Q Roberson, F Rink, M Gruber
Academy of Management Journal 66 (4), 1007-1015, 2023
Embeddedness and the repatriation intention of assigned and self-initiated expatriates
J Meuer, C Tröster, M Angstmann, U Backes-Gellner, K Pull
European Management Journal 37 (6), 784-793, 2019
Satisfying Individual Desires or Moral Standards? Preferential Treatment and Group Members’ Self-Worth, Affect, and Behavior
S Thau, C Tröster, K Aquino, M Pillutla, D De Cremer
Journal of Business Ethics 113 (1), 133-145, 2013
Entrepreneurial orientation and performance: Investigating local requirements for entrepreneurial decision-making
S Van Doorn, M Heyden, C Tröster, H Volberda
Cognition and strategy 32, 211-239, 2015
Offset or reduce: How should firms implement carbon footprint reduction initiatives?
N Roemer, GC Souza, C Tröster, G Voigt
Production and Operations Management 32 (9), 2940-2955, 2023
Worse than others but better than before: Integrating social and temporal comparison perspectives to explain executive turnover via pay standing and pay growth
C Tröster, N Van Quaquebeke, K Aquino
Human Resource Management, 2017
The consequences of incongruent abusive supervision: Anticipation of social exclusion, shame, and turnover intentions
BA Korman, C Tröster, SR Giessner
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 28 (3), 306-321, 2021
It’s (a) Shame: Why Poverty Leads to Support for Authoritarianism
J Neerdaels, C Tröster, N Van Quaquebeke
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 50 (6), 942-956, 2024
When and why does status threat at work bring out the best and the worst in us? A temporal social comparison theory
S Reh, N Van Quaquebeke, C Tröster, SR Giessner
Organizational Psychology Review 12 (3), 241-267, 2022
LMXSC elicits hubristic pride and social undermining in individuals with high trait dominance
BA Korman, C Tröster, SR Giessner
Journal of Management Studies 61 (6), 2662-2693, 2024
Nationality Heterogeneity and Interpersonal Relationships at Work
C Tröster
LMXSC and paradoxical coworker-directed behaviors: A dual-path mediation model involving pride
B Korman, C Troester, SR Giessner
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 17052, 2020
When lack of control leads to uncertainty: Explaining the effect of anomie on support for authoritarianism.
J Neerdaels, A Teymoori, C Tröster, N Van Quaquebeke
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2024
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Articles 1–20