Maïa Berman
Maïa Berman
Universite de Montpellier 2 (France) - Charles Darwin University (Australia)
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Contrasted patterns of age-specific reproduction in long-lived seabirds
M Berman, JM Gaillard, H Weimerskirch
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1655), 375-382, 2009
Breaking out of biogeographical modules: range expansion and taxon cycles in the hyperdiverse ant genus Pheidole
EP Economo, EM Sarnat, M Janda, R Clouse, PB Klimov, G Fischer, ...
Journal of Biogeography 42 (12), 2289-2301, 2015
Characterisation of the complete mitochondrial genome and 13 microsatellite loci through next-generation sequencing for the New Caledonian spider-ant Leptomyrmex pallens
M Berman, CM Austin, AD Miller
Molecular biology reports 41, 1179-1187, 2014
Invasive ants as back-seat drivers of native ant diversity decline in New Caledonia
M Berman, AN Andersen, T Ibanez
Biological Invasions 15, 2311-2331, 2013
Overview of the distribution, habitat association and impact of exotic ants on native ant communities in New Caledonia
M Berman, AN Andersen, C Hély, C Gaucherel
PLoS One 8 (6), e67245, 2013
Rainforest ants of the Tiwi Islands: a remarkable centre of endemism in Australia’s monsoonal tropics
AN Andersen, M Houadria, M Berman, M Van Der Geest
Insectes sociaux 59 (3), 433-441, 2012
New Caledonia has a depauperate subterranean ant fauna, despite spectacular radiations above ground
M Berman, AN Andersen
Biodiversity and Conservation 21, 2489-2497, 2012
Diversity in the Australian ant genus Iridomyrmex Mayr, 1862 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): a critique of Heterick & Shattuck (2011), with particular reference to I. coeruleus …
AN Andersen, B Hoffmann, M Berman
Myrmecological News 18, 2013
Social structure and landscape genetics of the endemic New Caledonian ant Leptomyrmex pallens Emery, 1883 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dolichoderinae), in …
M Berman, CM Austin, CP Burridge, AD Miller
Conservation genetics 17, 931-947, 2016
Impacts of anthropogenic fires and invasive ants on native ant diversity in New Caledonia: from genes to communities
M Berman
PQDT-Global, 2012
Overview of the Distribution
M Berman, AN Andersen, C Hély, C Gaucherel
Habitat Association and Impact of Exotic Ants on Native Ant, 2013
Impacts of anthropogenic fires and invasive ants on native ant diversity in New Caledonia: from genes to communities| Theses. fr
M Berman
Montpellier 2, 2012
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