Ingrid J. Aragon
Ingrid J. Aragon
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
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Rapid cycling recurrent selection for increased carotenoids content in cassava roots
H Ceballos, N Morante, T Sánchez, D Ortiz, I Aragon, AL Chavez, ...
Crop Science 53 (6), 2342-2351, 2013
Changes in extended shelf life of cassava roots during storage in ambient conditions
T Sanchez, D Dufour, JL Moreno, M Pizarro, IJ Aragón, M Dominguez, ...
Postharvest Biology and Technology 86, 520-528, 2013
Potato phenolics impact starch digestion and glucose transport in model systems but translation to phenolic rich potato chips results in only modest modification of glycemic …
S Moser, I Aragon, A Furrer, JW Van Klinken, M Kaczmarczyk, BH Lee, ...
Nutrition Research 52, 57-70, 2018
Pro-vitamin A carotenoids stability and bioaccessibility from elite selection of biofortified cassava roots (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) processed to traditional flours and …
IJ Aragón, H Ceballos, D Dufour, MG Ferruzzi
Food & function 9 (9), 4822-4835, 2018
Evaluación de la composición nutricional, antinutricional y biodisponibilidad in vitro de diferentes extractos foliares
SM Pico, D Gutiérrez, I Aragón, A Escobar, D Ortiz, T Sánchez, P Imbachí, ...
Revista chilena de nutrición 38 (2), 168-176, 2011
Comparison between in vitro and in vivo methods to screen iron bioavailability
IJ Aragón, D Ortiz, H Pachón
CyTA-Journal of Food 10 (2), 103-111, 2012
Potato Phenolics Modulate Rate of Glucose Transport in a Caco‐2 Human Intestinal Cell Model
S Moser, I Aragon, A Furrer, JW Van Klinken, M Kaczmarczyk, BH Lee, ...
The FASEB Journal 29, 606.6, 2015
Impact of processing on the stability and bioaccessibility of pro-vitamin A carotenoids in biofortified cassava Roots (Manihot esculenta, Crantz)
I Aragon, D Dufour, A Escobar, F Calle, H Ceballos, MG Ferruzzi
AAA, 2016
Influence of cooking methods on phenolic and antioxidant activity of yams (Dioscorea Spp.) and cocoyam (Xanthoma Maffs [Scoth]) tuber extracts
AN Ukom, CF Ezeama, DO Ortiz, IJ Aragon, PC Ojimelukwe
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences (ISSN: 2321–1571) 2 (05), 2014
Nutrient profile of native foods consumed by indigenous colombians
D Ortiz, I Aragón, SC Pazos, X Rivas, S Castillo, H Pachón
The FASEB Journal 25, lb241-lb241, 2011
Impact of Processing of Biofortified Cassava and Peach Palm Fruits on Pro-vitamin A Carotenoid Recovery and Bioaccessibility
IJ Aragón
Impact of processing on the stability and bioaccessibility of Pro-Vitamin A Carotenoids in biofortified cassava roots (Manihot esculanta, Crantz)
IJ Aragón Gallego, DL Dufour, AF Escobar Salamanca, F Calle, ...
Etiology of anemia in preschool children: A systematic literature review
M Ariza-Nieto, G Carlson, I Aragon, K Kordas, ZY Fonseca-Centeno, ...
The FASEB Journal 26, 1030.2-1030.2, 2012
Comparison between in vitro and in vivo methods to screen iron bioavailability
IJ Aragón Gallego, D Ortiz, H Pachón
Informa UK Limited, 2012
Laboratorio de Calidad Nutricional: Una herramienta en pro de la nutrición humana en Latinoamérica
D Ortiz, T Sánchez, IJ Aragón Gallego, D Gutiérrez, L López, S Pazos, ...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 2010
Validación de un método de digestión de hierro In vitro para la evaluación de la biodisponibilidad de hierro en los alimentos [poster][en línea]
IJ Aragón Gallego, H Pachón, DA Ortiz
Validación de un método de digestión de hierro In vitro para la evaluación de la biodisponibilidad de hierro en los alimentos
IJ Aragón Gallego, H Pachón, DA Ortiz
International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 2009
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Articles 1–17