Moran Mizrahi
Cited by
Cited by
Machine learning uncovers the most robust self-report predictors of relationship quality across 43 longitudinal couples studies
S Joel, PW Eastwick, CJ Allison, XB Arriaga, ZG Baker, E Bar-Kalifa, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (32), 19061-19071, 2020
Intimately connected: The importance of partner responsiveness for experiencing sexual desire.
GE Birnbaum, HT Reis, M Mizrahi, Y Kanat-Maymon, O Sass, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 111 (4), 530, 2016
What robots can teach us about intimacy: The reassuring effects of robot responsiveness to human disclosure
GE Birnbaum, M Mizrahi, G Hoffman, HT Reis, EJ Finkel, O Sass
Computers in Human Behavior 63, 416-423, 2016
When sex goes wrong: A behavioral systems perspective on individual differences in sexual attitudes, motives, feelings, and behaviors.
GE Birnbaum, M Mikulincer, O Szepsenwol, PR Shaver, M Mizrahi
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 106 (5), 822, 2014
Right or flawed: Relationship obsessions and sexual satisfaction
G Doron, M Mizrahi, O Szepsenwol, D Derby
The journal of sexual medicine 11 (9), 2218-2224, 2014
What fantasies can do to your relationship: The effects of sexual fantasies on couple interactions
GE Birnbaum, Y Kanat-Maymon, M Mizrahi, M Recanati, R Orr
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45 (3), 461-476, 2019
Machines as a source of consolation: Robot responsiveness increases human approach behavior and desire for companionship
GE Birnbaum, M Mizrahi, G Hoffman, HT Reis, EJ Finkel, O Sass
2016 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2016
Reassuring sex: Can sexual desire and intimacy reduce relationship‐specific attachment insecurities?
M Mizrahi, G Hirschberger, M Mikulincer, O Szepsenwol, GE Birnbaum
European Journal of Social Psychology 46 (4), 467-480, 2016
Being on the same wavelength: Behavioral synchrony between partners and its influence on the experience of intimacy
H Sharon-David, M Mizrahi, M Rinott, Y Golland, GE Birnbaum
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 36 (10), 2983-3008, 2019
Sex unleashes your tongue: Sexual priming motivates self-disclosure to a new acquaintance and interest in future interactions
GE Birnbaum, M Mizrahi, A Kaplan, D Kadosh, D Kariv, D Tabib, D Ziv, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43 (5), 706-715, 2017
Our fragile relationships: Relationship threat and its effect on the allure of alternative mates
GE Birnbaum, M Mizrahi, L Kovler, B Shutzman, A Aloni-Soroker, HT Reis
Archives of sexual behavior 48, 703-713, 2019
You haven’t been on my mind lately: Partner responsiveness mediates the link between attachment insecurity and sexual fantasies
M Mizrahi, Y Kanat-Maymon, GE Birnbaum
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 35 (4), 440-459, 2018
When insecurity dampens desire: Attachment anxiety in men amplifies the decline in sexual desire during the early years of romantic relationships
M Mizrahi, HT Reis, MR Maniaci, GE Birnbaum
European Journal of Social Psychology 49 (6), 1223-1236, 2019
Fueled by desire: Sexual activation facilitates the enactment of relationship-initiating behaviors
GE Birnbaum, M Mizrahi, HT Reis
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 36 (10), 3057-3074, 2019
Are you into me? Uncertainty and sexual desire in online encounters and established relationships
GE Birnbaum, Y Kanat-Maymon, M Mizrahi, A Barniv, S Nagar, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 85, 372-384, 2018
Fatal suppression: The detrimental effects of sexual and attachment deactivation within emerging romantic relationships
O Szepsenwol, M Mizrahi, GE Birnbaum
Social Psychological and Personality Science 6 (5), 504-512, 2015
Defining listening: Can we get rid of the adjectives?
AN Kluger, M Mizrahi
Current Opinion in Psychology 52, 101639, 2023
The bitter pill: Cessation of oral contraceptives enhances the appeal of alternative mates
GE Birnbaum, K Zholtack, M Mizrahi, T Ein-Dor
Evolutionary Psychological Science 5, 276-285, 2019
Seeing what you want to see: Sexual activation makes potential partners seem more appealing and romantically interested
GE Birnbaum, M Iluz, E Plotkin, L Tibi, R Hematian, M Mizrahi, HT Reis
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 37 (12), 3051-3069, 2020
Connecting cues: The role of nonverbal cues in perceived responsiveness
CL Carmichael, M Mizrahi
Current Opinion in Psychology, 101663, 2023
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Articles 1–20