Lara Houston
Lara Houston
Research Fellow, Anglia Ruskin University
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Values in repair
L Houston, SJ Jackson, DK Rosner, SI Ahmed, M Young, L Kang
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2016
Caring for the" next billion" mobile handsets: opening proprietary closures through the work of repair
L Houston, SJ Jackson
Proceedings of the eighth international conference on information and …, 2016
Algorithmic food justice: Co-designing more-than-human blockchain futures for the food commons
S Heitlinger, L Houston, A Taylor, R Catlow
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
Breakdown in the smart city: Exploring workarounds with urban-sensing practices and technologies
L Houston, J Gabrys, H Pritchard
Science, Technology, & Human Values 44 (5), 843-870, 2019
Re-calibrating DIY: Testing digital participation across dust sensors, fry pans and environmental pollution
H Pritchard, J Gabrys, L Houston
new media & society 20 (12), 4533-4552, 2018
Inventive infrastructure: an exploration of mobile phone repair practices in downtown Kampala, Uganda
L Houston
Lancaster: Lancaster University, 2014
Mobile phone repair knowledge in downtown Kampala: local and trans-local circulations
L Houston
Repair work ethnographies, 129-160, 2019
The timeliness of repair
L Houston
continent 6 (1), 51-55, 2017
Reclaiming repair: Maintenance and mending as methods for design
DK Rosner, SJ Jackson, G Hertz, L Houston, N Rangaswamy
CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 3311-3314, 2013
Designing for Transformative Futures: Creative Practice, Social Change and Climate Emergency
M Dolejšová, C Ampatzidou, L Houston, A Light, A Botero, J Choi, D Wilde, ...
Creativity and Cognition, 1-9, 2021
R3pair volume
L Houston, DK Rosner, SJ Jackson, J Allen
Letter from the Editors. continent 6, 1-3, 2017
Unsettled Repair Tools: The “death” of the JAF box
L Houston
The Maintainers: A Conference, 2016
VJing, Technology and Intelligibility: Exploring the Emergent Practices of VJing through the Work of Gilbert Simondon
L Houston
Vague Terrain 9, 2008
The Richness of Designing for Eco-Social Change
L Houston, A Light, C Thornton
ICTD 2016| Caring for the “next billion” mobile handsets: Proprietary closures and the work of repair
L Houston, SJ Jackson
Information Technologies & International Development 13, 15, 2017
Reclaiming repair
D Rosner, S Jackson, G Hertz, L Houston, N Rangaswamy
CHI’13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems on-CHI EA’13 …, 2013
More-than-Human Computer Interaction for Urban Food Governance
S Heitlinger, L Houston, JH Choi, A Taylor, R Catlow
Routledge Handbook of Urban Food Governance, 427-442, 0
Dream: mixed reality technologies for live performance
L Houston, ML Feast
Interactions 28 (4), 10-13, 2021
More-Than-Human Food Futures Cookbook—A Feeding Food Futures Initiative
A Gomes, A Light, A Lychagina, Å Ståhl, D Wilde, F Altarriba, H Davis, ...
Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2020 conference, 2022
Repair, Brokenness, Breakthrough: Ethnographic Responses.
L Houston
Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 3 (1), 167-170, 2021
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Articles 1–20