Zhe Cheng
Zhe Cheng
Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
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Cited by
Public–private partnership as a driver of sustainable development: Toward a conceptual framework of sustainability-oriented PPP
Z Cheng, H Wang, W Xiong, D Zhu, L Cheng
Environment, Development and Sustainability 23, 1043-1063, 2021
Spatio-temporal dynamics of public private partnership projects in China
Z Cheng, Y Ke, J Lin, Z Yang, J Cai
International journal of project management 34 (7), 1242-1251, 2016
Impact of marginal and intergenerational effects on carbon emissions from household energy consumption in China
Z Hu, M Wang, Z Cheng, Z Yang
Journal of Cleaner Production 273, 123022, 2020
Harbin: A rust belt city revival from its strategic position
L Xie, Z Yang, J Cai, Z Cheng, T Wen, T Song
Cities 58, 26-38, 2016
Performance of Chinese hotel segment markets: Efficiencies measure based on both endogenous and exogenous factors
Z Yang, L Xia, Z Cheng
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 32, 12-23, 2017
Does PPP matter to sustainable tourism development? An analysis of the spatial effect of the tourism PPP policy in China
Z Cheng, Z Yang, H Gao, H Tao, M Xu
Sustainability 10 (11), 4058, 2018
Diversification or convergence: An international comparison of PPP policy and management between the UK, India, and China
Z Cheng, Y Ke, Z Yang, J Cai, H Wang
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 27 (6), 1315-1335, 2020
Assessing the effectiveness and function of the water resources tax policy pilot in China
R Ouyang, E Mu, Y Yu, Y Chen, J Hu, H Tong, Z Cheng
Environment, Development and Sustainability 26 (1), 2637-2653, 2024
Investigating operations of industrial parks in Beijing: efficiency at different stages
Z Yang, G Hao, Z Cheng
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 31 (1), 755-777, 2018
Government equity investment, effective communication and public private partnership (PPP) performance: Evidence from China
Z Hu, Q Li, T Liu, L Wang, Z Cheng
Engineering, construction and architectural management 28 (9), 2811-2827, 2021
How does public-private collaboration reinvent? A comparative analysis of urban bicycle-sharing policy diffusion in China
H Wang, W Xiong, L Yang, D Zhu, Z Cheng
Cities 96, 102429, 2020
自然资源资本化实现机制研究——以南平市 “生态银行” 为例
崔莉, 厉新建, 程哲
管理世界 35 (9), 95-100, 2019
Mix leading to success? Exploring the innovative development model in peri-urban China
Z Cheng, H Wang, L Wang, J Lin
Habitat International 82, 1-8, 2018
乡村转型发展产业驱动机制: 以盘锦乡村旅游为例
程哲, 蔡建明, 崔莉, 刘彦随
Research of Agricultural Modernization 37 (1), 143-150, 2016
Striving for global cities with governance approach in transitional China: Case study of Shanghai
H Wang, Z Cheng, D Zhu
Land use policy 90, 104288, 2020
Exploring the spatial structure and impact factors of water use efficiency in China
Z Cheng, J He, Y Liu, Q Zhang, Y Deng
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 103, 107258, 2023
A content analysis of the strictest water resources management policy in China
Z Cheng, N Wang, R Ouyang, H Wang, Z Song
Water Economics and Policy 8 (02), 2250011, 2022
White elephant or golden goose? An assessment of middle route of the south-to-north water diversion project from the perspective of regional water use efficiency
Z Cheng, Y Zhao, T Song, L Cheng, W Wang
Water Resources Management 37 (2), 819-834, 2023
Retro or renewal: an assessment of PPP management and policy in China since 2014
J Cai, J Lin, Z Yang, X Zhou, Z Cheng
Public Works Management & Policy 26 (4), 359-380, 2021
Adaptive water governance research in social sciences journals: a bibliometric analysis
Z Cheng, S Yan, T Song, L Cheng, H Wang
Water Policy 24 (12), 1951-1970, 2022
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Articles 1–20