Won Kim
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Cited by
How to interact with a fully autonomous vehicle: naturalistic ways for drivers to intervene in the vehicle system while performing non-driving related tasks
A Ataya, W Kim, A Elsharkawy, SJ Kim
Sensors 21 (6), 2206, 2021
Take-over requests after waking in autonomous vehicles
W Kim, E Jeon, G Kim, D Yeo, SJ Kim
Applied Sciences 12 (3), 1438, 2022
Gaze-head input: Examining potential interaction with immediate experience sampling in an autonomous vehicle
A Ataya, W Kim, A Elsharkawy, SJ Kim
Applied Sciences 10 (24), 9011, 2020
A hand-over notification system of vehicle driving control according to driver’s condition based on cognitive load in autonomous driving situation
D Yeo, J Lee, W Kim, M Kim, K Cho, A Ataya, S Kim
Proceedings of the HCI Korea, Seogwiposi, Korea, 13-16, 2019
A Study on Driver’s Attitude according to Combination of Modality and Message Type in Providing Driving Information in Autonomous Driving
W Kim, K Cho, M Kim, D Yeo, J Lee, S Kim
Proceedings of the HCI Korea, Jeju, Korea, 13-16, 2019
미래 자율주행 자동차 혁신과 증강현실 및 가상현실
이지은, 김원, 여도현, 김광빈, 이지원, 김명섭, 전은기, 조경원, 김승준
정보과학회지 38 (5), 16-26, 2020
Large-Area Windshield Head-Up Display and Handle-based Sensory Augmented NUI Interface: Touch Gesture, Voice Command
M Kim, D Yeo, W Kim, J Lee, K Cho, S Kim
Engagnition: A multi-dimensional dataset for engagement recognition of children with autism spectrum disorder
W Kim, M Seong, KJ Kim, SJ Kim
Scientific Data 11 (1), 299, 2024
A new approach to studying sleep in autonomous vehicles: Simulating the waking situation
W Kim, SJ Kim
Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface …, 2019
웹 기반 문화재 이미지의 조형 요소 레이블링 (Labeling) 을 위한 어노테이션 (Annotation) 시스템 제안 및 사용성 평가
이지은, 조경원, 김명섭, 김원, 여도현, 이지현, 김승준
한국 HCI 학회 학술대회, 470-475, 2019
Exploring Potential Application Areas of Artificial Intelligence-Infused System for Engagement Recognition: Insights from Special Education Experts
W Kim, M Seong, J DelPreto, W Matusik, D Rus, SJ Kim
Companion of the 2024 on ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2024
발달 장애 아동의 행동 및 생리적 정보를 통한 딥러닝 기반 참여도 분류
옥수빈, 성민우, 김원, 전화승, 이지원, 김경중, 김승준
한국 HCI 학회 학술대회, 566-571, 2022
Busy Hands, Busy Minds: How In-Vehicle Behaviors Affect Drivers' Choice of Interaction Input
A Ataya, W Kim, A Elsharkawy, SJ Kim
Sensors 21, 2206, 2021
발달장애인을 위한 센서 기반 인터랙티브 콘텐츠 개발 및 적용가능성 탐색
성은진, 김원, 이지원, 성민우, 김승준
한국 HCI 학회 학술대회, 518-523, 2021
Thermal Electric Device using the Solar Vehicle Temperature Control
JHK A. R. Cho1, J. Y. KIM, W. Kim, S. E. Kim
Proceedings of the KSMPE Spring Conference 2017, 255-255, 2017
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