Ecology of cavity and foliage roosting bats TH Kunz, LF Lumsden Bat ecology 1, 3-89, 2003 | 923 | 2003 |
Acting fast helps avoid extinction TG Martin, S Nally, AA Burbidge, S Arnall, ST Garnett, MW Hayward, ... Conservation Letters 5 (4), 274-280, 2012 | 377 | 2012 |
Scattered trees in rural landscapes: foraging habitat for insectivorous bats in south-eastern Australia LF Lumsden, AF Bennett Biological Conservation 122 (2), 205-222, 2005 | 265 | 2005 |
Tree hollows as a resource for wildlife in remnant woodlands: spatial and temporal patterns across the northern plains of Victoria, Australia AF Bennett, LF Lumsden, AO Nicholls Pacific Conservation Biology 1 (3), 222-235, 1994 | 225 | 1994 |
How well do ecosystem‐based planning units represent different components of biodiversity? R Mac Nally, AF Bennett, GW Brown, LF Lumsden, A Yen, S Hinkley, ... Ecological applications 12 (3), 900-912, 2002 | 182 | 2002 |
Location of roosts of the lesser long-eared bat Nyctophilus geoffroyi and Gould's wattled bat Chalinolobus gouldii in a fragmented landscape in south-eastern Australia LF Lumsden, AF Bennett, JE Silins Biological Conservation 106 (2), 237-249, 2002 | 169 | 2002 |
Ecological processes: a key element in strategies for nature conservation AF Bennett, A Haslem, DC Cheal, MF Clarke, RN Jones, JD Koehn, ... Ecological Management & Restoration 10 (3), 192-199, 2009 | 130 | 2009 |
Selection of roost sites by the lesser long-eared bat (Nyctophilus geoffroyi) and Gould's wattled bat (Chalinolobus gouldii) in south-eastern Australia LF Lumsden, AF Bennett, JE Silins Journal of Zoology 257 (2), 207-218, 2002 | 109 | 2002 |
Interspecific and geographic variation in the diets of sympatric carnivores: dingoes/wild dogs and red foxes in south-eastern Australia NE Davis, DM Forsyth, B Triggs, C Pascoe, J Benshemesh, A Robley, ... PLoS One 10 (3), e0120975, 2015 | 105 | 2015 |
Habitat use by arboreal mammals along an environment gradient in north-eastern Victoria AF Bennett, LF Lumsden, JSA Alexander, PE Duncan, PG Johnson, ... Wildlife Research 18 (2), 125-146, 1991 | 101 | 1991 |
The efficacy of Anabat ultrasonic detectors and harp traps for surveying microchiropterans in south-eastern Australia AM Duffy, LF Lumsden, CR Caddle, RR Chick, GR Newell Acta chiropterologica 2 (2), 127-144, 2000 | 84 | 2000 |
Chainsaw-carved cavities better mimic the thermal properties of natural tree hollows than nest boxes and log hollows SR Griffiths, PE Lentini, K Semmens, SJ Watson, LF Lumsden, KA Robert Forests 9 (5), 235, 2018 | 77 | 2018 |
Continental patterns in the diet of a top predator: Australia's dingo TS Doherty, NE Davis, CR Dickman, DM Forsyth, M Letnic, DG Nimmo, ... Mammal Review 49 (1), 31-44, 2019 | 76 | 2019 |
Bats of a semi-arid environment in south-eastern Australia: biogeography, ecology and conservation IF Lumsden, AF Bennett Wildlife Research 22 (2), 217-239, 1995 | 76 | 1995 |
Urban bat communities are affected by wetland size, quality, and pollution levels TM Straka, PE Lentini, LF Lumsden, BA Wintle, R van der Ree Ecology and Evolution 6 (14), 4761-4774, 2016 | 75 | 2016 |
Functional responses of insectivorous bats to increasing housing density support ‘land‐sparing’rather than ‘land‐sharing’urban growth strategies FM Caryl, LF Lumsden, R van der Ree, BA Wintle Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (1), 191-201, 2016 | 74 | 2016 |
The effect of forearm bands on insectivorous bats (Microchiroptera) in Australia GB Baker, LF Lumsden, EB Dettmann, NK Schedvin, M Schulz, D Watkins, ... Wildlife Research 28 (3), 229-237, 2001 | 63 | 2001 |
An assessment of the accuracy and reliability of hair identification of south-east Australian mammals B Lobert, L Lumsden, H Brunner, B Triggs Wildlife Research 28 (6), 637-641, 2001 | 60 | 2001 |
Bat boxes are not a silver bullet conservation tool SR Griffiths, R Bender, LN Godinho, PE Lentini, LF Lumsden, KA Robert Mammal Review 47 (4), 261-265, 2017 | 58 | 2017 |
Surface reflectance drives nest box temperature profiles and thermal suitability for target wildlife SR Griffiths, JA Rowland, NJ Briscoe, PE Lentini, KA Handasyde, ... PLoS One 12 (5), e0176951, 2017 | 58 | 2017 |