Maximilian Igl
Maximilian Igl
Waymo Research
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Cited by
Deep variational reinforcement learning for POMDPs
M Igl, L Zintgraf, TA Le, F Wood, S Whiteson
International conference on machine learning, 2117-2126, 2018
Varibad: A very good method for bayes-adaptive deep rl via meta-learning
L Zintgraf, K Shiarlis, M Igl, S Schulze, Y Gal, K Hofmann, S Whiteson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.08348, 2019
Tighter variational bounds are not necessarily better
T Rainforth, A Kosiorek, TA Le, C Maddison, M Igl, F Wood, YW Teh
International Conference on Machine Learning, 4277-4285, 2018
Generalization in reinforcement learning with selective noise injection and information bottleneck
M Igl, K Ciosek, Y Li, S Tschiatschek, C Zhang, S Devlin, K Hofmann
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
Auto-encoding sequential monte carlo
TA Le, M Igl, T Rainforth, T Jin, F Wood
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.10306, 2017
Treeqn and atreec: Differentiable tree-structured models for deep reinforcement learning
G Farquhar, T Rocktäschel, M Igl, S Whiteson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.11417, 2017
Transient non-stationarity and generalisation in deep reinforcement learning
M Igl, G Farquhar, J Luketina, W Boehmer, S Whiteson
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05826, 2020
My body is a cage: the role of morphology in graph-based incompatible control
V Kurin, M Igl, T Rocktäschel, W Boehmer, S Whiteson
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.01856, 2020
Symphony: Learning realistic and diverse agents for autonomous driving simulation
M Igl, D Kim, A Kuefler, P Mougin, P Shah, K Shiarlis, D Anguelov, ...
2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2445-2451, 2022
Exploration in approximate hyper-state space for meta reinforcement learning
LM Zintgraf, L Feng, C Lu, M Igl, K Hartikainen, K Hofmann, S Whiteson
International Conference on Machine Learning, 12991-13001, 2021
Varibad: Variational bayes-adaptive deep rl via meta-learning
L Zintgraf, S Schulze, C Lu, L Feng, M Igl, K Shiarlis, Y Gal, K Hofmann, ...
Journal of Machine Learning Research 22 (289), 1-39, 2021
The impact of non-stationarity on generalisation in deep reinforcement learning
M Igl, G Farquhar, J Luketina, W Boehmer, S Whiteson
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05826 8, 2020
Multitask soft option learning
M Igl, A Gambardella, J He, N Nardelli, N Siddharth, W Böhmer, ...
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 969-978, 2020
Snowflake: Scaling GNNs to high-dimensional continuous control via parameter freezing
C Blake, V Kurin, M Igl, S Whiteson
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 23983-23992, 2021
Communicating via markov decision processes
S Sokota, CAS De Witt, M Igl, LM Zintgraf, P Torr, M Strohmeier, Z Kolter, ...
International Conference on Machine Learning, 20314-20328, 2022
Variational task embeddings for fast adapta-tion in deep reinforcement learning
L Zintgraf, M Igl, K Shiarlis, A Mahajan, K Hofmann, S Whiteson
International Conference on Learning Representations Workshop (ICLRW), 2019
Particle-Based Score Estimation for State Space Model Learning in Autonomous Driving
A Singh, O Makhlouf, M Igl, J Messias, A Doucet, S Whiteson
Conference on Robot Learning, 1168-1177, 2023
Learning Skills Diverse in Value-Relevant Features
MJA Smith, J Luketina, K Hartikainen, M Igl, S Whiteson
Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents, 1174-1194, 2022
Hierarchical Imitation Learning for Stochastic Environments
M Igl, P Shah, P Mougin, S Srinivasan, T Gupta, B White, K Shiarlis, ...
2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2023
Implicit communication as minimum entropy coupling
S Sokota, CS de Witt, M Igl, LM Zintgraf, PHS Torr, S Whiteson, ...
CoRR, 2021
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Articles 1–20