Nayyar Zaidi
Cited by
Cited by
Alleviating naive Bayes attribute independence assumption by attribute weighting
NA Zaidi, J Cerquides, MJ Carman, GI Webb
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 14 (1), 1947-1988, 2013
Proximity forest: an effective and scalable distance-based classifier for time series
B Lucas, A Shifaz, C Pelletier, L O’Neill, N Zaidi, B Goethals, F Petitjean, ...
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 33 (3), 607-635, 2019
Machine learning for financial risk management: a survey
A Mashrur, W Luo, NA Zaidi, A Robles-Kelly
Ieee Access 8, 203203-203223, 2020
Scalable learning of Bayesian network classifiers
AM Martínez, GI Webb, S Chen, NA Zaidi
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 (1), 1515-1549, 2016
Efficient parameter learning of Bayesian network classifiers
NA Zaidi, GI Webb, MJ Carman, F Petitjean, W Buntine, M Hynes, ...
Machine Learning 106 (9-10), 1289-1329, 2017
GANBLR: a tabular data generation model
Y Zhang, NA Zaidi, J Zhou, G Li
2021 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 181-190, 2021
Accurate parameter estimation for Bayesian network classifiers using hierarchical Dirichlet processes
F Petitjean, W Buntine, GI Webb, N Zaidi
Machine Learning 107 (8), 1303-1331, 2018
Naive-bayes inspired effective pre-conditioner for speeding-up logistic regression
NA Zaidi, MJ Carman, J Cerquides, GI Webb
2014 IEEE international conference on data mining, 1097-1102, 2014
: accelerated higher-order logistic regression
FP Nayyar A. Zaidi, Geoffrey I. Webb, Mark J. Carman
Machine Learning 104 (2), 151–194, 2016
On the effectiveness of discretizing quantitative attributes in linear classifiers
NA Zaidi, Y Du, GI Webb
IEEE Access 8, 198856-198871, 2020
Local adaptive SVM for object recognition
NA Zaidi, DMG Squire
2010 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and …, 2010
On the use of Machine Learning methods in rock art research with application to automatic painted rock art identification
A Jalandoni, Y Zhang, NA Zaidi
Journal of Archaeological Science 144, 105629, 2022
Surrogate-assisted population based ACO for resource constrained job scheduling with uncertainty
D Thiruvady, S Nguyen, F Shiri, N Zaidi, X Li
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 69, 101029, 2022
Fast and effective single pass Bayesian learning
NA Zaidi, GI Webb
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 17th Pacific-Asia …, 2013
Interpretable tabular data generation
Y Zhang, N Zaidi, J Zhou, G Li
Knowledge and Information Systems 65 (7), 2935-2963, 2023
Deep broad learning-Big models for Big data
NA Zaidi, GI Webb, MJ Carman, F Petitjean
arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.01346, 2015
Database normalization as a by-product of minimum message length inference
DL Dowe, NA Zaidi
AI 2010: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 23rd Australasian Joint …, 2011
A gradient-based metric learning algorithm for k-nn classifiers
NA Zaidi, DMG Squire, D Suter
Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 194-203, 2010
Neighbours and kinsmen: Hateful users detection with graph neural network
S Li, NA Zaidi, Q Liu, G Li
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 434-446, 2021
Robust visual question answering via semantic cross modal augmentation
A Mashrur, W Luo, NA Zaidi, A Robles-Kelly
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 238, 103862, 2024
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Articles 1–20