Jordan Louviere
Jordan Louviere
Research Professor. School of Marketing, University of South Australia
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Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage
J Barney
Journal of management 17 (1), 99-120, 1991
Stated choice methods: analysis and applications
JJ Louviere
Cambridge University Press, 2000
Design and analysis of simulated consumer choice or allocation experiments: an approach based on aggregate data
JJ Louviere, G Woodworth
Journal of marketing research 20 (4), 350-367, 1983
Combining revealed and stated preference methods for valuing environmental amenities
W Adamowicz, J Louviere, M Williams
Journal of environmental economics and management 26 (3), 271-292, 1994
Stated preference approaches for measuring passive use values: choice experiments and contingent valuation
W Adamowicz, P Boxall, M Williams, J Louviere
American journal of agricultural economics 80 (1), 64-75, 1998
The role of the scale parameter in the estimation and comparison of multinomial logit models
J Swait, J Louviere
Journal of marketing research 30 (3), 305-314, 1993
Conducting discrete choice experiments to inform healthcare decision making: a user’s guide
E Lancsar, J Louviere
Pharmacoeconomics 26, 661-677, 2008
Analyzing decision making: Metric conjoint analysis
JJ Louviere
Sage, 1988
What will consumers pay for social product features?
P Auger, P Burke, TM Devinney, JJ Louviere
Journal of business ethics 42, 281-304, 2003
A comparison of stated preference methods for environmental valuation
PC Boxall, WL Adamowicz, J Swait, M Williams, J Louviere
Ecological economics 18 (3), 243-253, 1996
Conjoint analysis modelling of stated preferences: a review of theory, methods, recent developments and external validity
JJ Louviere
Journal of transport economics and policy, 93-119, 1988
Determining the appropriate response to evidence of public concern: the case of food safety
A Finn, JJ Louviere
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 11 (2), 12-25, 1992
The generalized multinomial logit model: accounting for scale and coefficient heterogeneity
DG Fiebig, MP Keane, J Louviere, N Wasi
Marketing science 29 (3), 393-421, 2010
Discrete choice experiments are not conjoint analysis
JJ Louviere, TN Flynn, RT Carson
Journal of choice modelling 3 (3), 57-72, 2010
The impact of brand credibility on consumer price sensitivity
T Erdem, J Swait, J Louviere
International journal of Research in Marketing 19 (1), 1-19, 2002
Best–worst scaling: what it can do for health care research and how to do it
TN Flynn, JJ Louviere, TJ Peters, J Coast
Journal of health economics 26 (1), 171-189, 2007
Best-worst scaling: Theory, methods and applications
JJ Louviere, TN Flynn, AAJ Marley
Cambridge University Press, 2015
Some probabilistic models of best, worst, and best–worst choices
AAJ Marley, JJ Louviere
Journal of mathematical psychology 49 (6), 464-480, 2005
Perceptions versus objective measures of environmental quality in combined revealed and stated preference models of environmental valuation
W Adamowicz, J Swait, P Boxall, J Louviere, M Williams
Journal of environmental economics and management 32 (1), 65-84, 1997
Teacher retention and attrition: Views of early career teachers
J Buchanan, A Prescott, S Schuck, P Aubusson, P Burke
Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online) 38 (3), 124-141, 2013
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