Nicholas Dawes
Nicholas Dawes
Data processing engineer and project manager (Swiss Experiment), WSL Institute for Snow and
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Cited by
Orographic effects on snow deposition patterns in mountainous terrain
R Mott, D Scipión, M Schneebeli, N Dawes, A Berne, M Lehning
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (3), 1419-1439, 2014
High-resolution vertical profiles of X-band polarimetric radar observables during snowfall in the Swiss Alps
M Schneebeli, N Dawes, M Lehning, A Berne
Journal of applied meteorology and climatology 52 (2), 378-394, 2013
Micrometeorological processes driving snow ablation in an Alpine catchment
R Mott, L Egli, T Grünewald, N Dawes, C Manes, M Bavay, M Lehning
The Cryosphere 5 (4), 1083-1098, 2011
Effective metadata management in federated sensor networks
H Jeung, S Sarni, I Paparrizos, S Sathe, K Aberer, N Dawes, ...
2010 IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and …, 2010
Sensor metadata management and its application in collaborative environmental research
N Dawes, KA Kumar, S Michel, K Aberer, M Lehning
2008 IEEE Fourth International Conference on EScience, 143-150, 2008
Environmental Monitoring 2.0
S Michel, A Salehi, L Luo, N Dawes, K Aberer, G Barrenetxea, M Bavay, ...
2009 IEEE 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, 1507-1510, 2009
Instrumenting the earth: next generation sensor networks in environmental science
M Lehning, N Dawes, M Bavay, M Parlange, S Nath, F Zhao
The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery, 45-51, 2009
Soil moisture & snow properties determination with GNSS in alpine environments: Challenges, status, and perspectives
C Botteron, N Dawes, J Leclère, J Skaloud, SV Weijs, PA Farine
Remote Sensing 5 (7), 3516-3543, 2013
CO2 enrichment alters diurnal stem radius fluctuations of 36‐yr‐old Larix decidua growing at the alpine tree line
MA Dawes, R Zweifel, N Dawes, C Rixen, F Hagedorn
New Phytologist 202 (4), 1237-1248, 2014
Autonomous distributed temperature sensing for long-term heated applications in remote areas
AM Kurth, N Dawes, J Selker, M Schirmer
Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 2 (1), 71-77, 2013
Measurements of Alpine Precipitation with an X-Band Polarimetric Radar and Additional Sensors
M Schneebeli, A Berne, S Jolivet, X Muth, J Jaffrain, N Dawes, M Lehning
Monitoring of snow height and snow water equivalent with GPS
P Limpach, A Geiger, F Gschwend, M Ruesch, N Dawes
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-11920, 2013
Grobauswertung der Lawinenereignisse 1998/1999 im Grosslawinenversuchsgelände Vallée de la Sionne
F Dufour, U Gruber, D Issler, M Schaer, N Dawes, M Hiller
Interner Bericht 732, 1999
C. Gromke, T. Grünewald, and M. Lehning, 2013: Relative importance of advective heat transport and boundary layer decoupling in the melt dynamics of a patchy snow cover
R Mott, L Egli, T Grunewald, N Dawes, C Manes, M Bavay
Adv. Water Resour 55, 88-97, 0
Open Support Platform for Environmental Research (OSPER)-tools for the discovery and exploitation of environmental data
NM Dawes, M Lehning, M Bavay, S Sarni, I Iosifescu, R Gwadera, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2012, IN51B-1691, 2012
Availability of sensor data from the Weissfluhjoch research field of the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, SLF
N Dawes, P Frei, D Keller, M Ruesch, C Fierz
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7088, 2014
Application of large-scale computing infrastructure for diverse environmental research applications using GC3Pie
S Maffioletti, N Dawes, M Bavay, S Sarni, M Lehning
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 13222, 2013
Dynamics of small-scale precipitation enhancement in mountainous terrain
R Mott, D Scipion, A Berne, N Dawes, M Lehning
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7531, 2012
From sensor networks to connected analysis tools
N Dawes, M Bavay, T Egger, S Sarni, A Salehi, A Davison, H Jeung, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12384, 2012
HYDROSYS: On-site monitoring and management of water environment
A. Jolma, A. Nurminen, I. Ferencik, V. Lehtinen, M
OpenWater Symposium, 57-58, 2011
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Articles 1–20