Pete Bettinger
Pete Bettinger
University of Georgia, School of Forestry and Natural Resources
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Forest Management and Planning
P Bettinger, K Boston, JP Siry, DL Grebner
Academic Press, New York, 2009
Forest roads: a synthesis of scientific information
H Gucinski
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 2001
Smartphone GPS accuracy study in an urban environment
K Merry, P Bettinger
PLoS ONE 14 (7), e0219890, 2019
Eight heuristic planning techniques applied to three increasingly difficult wildlife planning problems
P Bettinger, D Graetz, K Boston, J Sessions, W Chung
Silva Fennica 36 (2), 561-584, 2002
Using Tabu search to schedule timber harvests subject to spatial wildlife goals for big game
P Bettinger, J Sessions, K Boston
Ecological Modelling 94 (2-3), 111-123, 1997
An analysis of Monte Carlo integer programming, simulated annealing, and tabu search heuristics for solving spatial harvest scheduling problems
K Boston, P Bettinger
Forest science 45 (2), 292-301, 1999
Introduction to forestry and natural resources
DL Grebner, P Bettinger, JP Siry, K Boston
Academic press, 2021
Thinning productivity and cost for a mechanized cut-to-length system in the Northwest Pacific Coast region of the USA
LD Kellogg, P Bettinger
International Journal of Forest Engineering 5 (2), 1994
Residual stand damage from cut-to-length thinning of second-growth timber in the Cascade Range of western Oregon
P Bettinger, LD Kellogg
Forest Products Journal 43 (11-12), 59-64, 1993
Heuristics in forest planning
J Sessions, P Bettinger, G Murphy
Handbook of operations research in natural resources, 431-448, 2007
Ensuring the compatibility of aquatic habitat and commodity production goals in Eastern Oregon with a tabu search procedure
P Bettinger, J Sessions, KN Johnson
Forest Science 44 (1), 96-112, 1998
Hastening the return of complex forests following fire: the consequences of delay
J Sessions, P Bettinger, R Buckman, M Newton, J Hamann
Journal of Forestry 102 (3), 38-45, 2004
The key literature of, and trends in, forest-level management planning in North America, 1950–2001
P Bettinger, W Chung
International Forestry Review 6 (1), 40-50, 2004
Cumulative ecological and socio-economic effects of forest policies in coastal Oregon
TA Spies, KN Johnson, KM Burnett, JL Ohmann, BC McComb, ...
Ecological Applications 17, 5-17, 2007
Forest management: To sustain ecological, economic, and social values
LS Davis, KN Johnson, PS Bettinger, TE Howard
McGraw-Hill, 2001
GIS-based sustainable assessment of crop residues for optimal siting of biogas plants
K Sahoo, S Mani, L Das, P Bettinger
Biomass and Bioenergy 110, 63-74, 2018
Spatial optimization of the pattern of fuel management activities and subsequent effects on simulated wildfires
YH Kim, P Bettinger, M Finney
European Journal of Operational Research 197 (1), 253-265, 2009
Combining tabu search and genetic algorithm heuristic techniques to solve spatial harvest scheduling problems
K Boston, P Bettinger
Forest Science 48 (1), 35-46, 2002
Optimisation in forest management
A Kaya, P Bettinger, K Boston, R Akbulut, Z Ucar, J Siry, K Merry, ...
Current Forestry Reports 2, 1-17, 2016
Intensifying a heuristic forest harvest scheduling search procedure with 2-opt decision choices
P Bettinger, K Boston, J Sessions
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 29 (11), 1784-1792, 1999
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Articles 1–20