Lee Bosher
Lee Bosher
Professor of Risk, University of Leicester, School of Business
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Cited by
Hazards and the built environment: attaining built-in resilience
L Bosher
Taylor & Francis Group, 2008
Integrating disaster risk management into construction: a UK perspective
L Bosher, A Dainty, P Carrillo, J Glass, A Price
Building Research and Information 35 (2), 163-177, 2007
Disaster risk reduction and ‘built‐in’resilience: towards overarching principles for construction practice
L Bosher, A Dainty
Disasters 35 (1), 1-18, 2011
Built-in resilience through disaster risk reduction: operational issues
L Bosher
Building Research & Information 42 (2), 240-254, 2014
Realising a resilient and sustainable built environment: towards a strategic agenda for the United Kingdom
L Bosher, P Carrillo, A Dainty, J Glass, A Price
Disasters 31 (3), 236-255, 2007
Built-in resilience to disasters: a pre-emptive approach
L Bosher, A Dainty, P Carrillo, J Glass
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 14 (5), 434-446, 2007
Sustainability and resilience in the built environment: The challenges of establishing a turquoise agenda in the UK
G Lizarralde, K Chmutina, L Bosher, A Dainty
Sustainable Cities and Society 15, 96-104, 2015
Attaining improved resilience to floods: a proactive multi-stakeholder approach
L Bosher, A Dainty, P Carrillo, J Glass, A Price
Disaster Prevention and Management 18 (1), 9-22, 2009
Disaster risk reduction for the built environment
L Bosher, K Chmutina
Wiley Blackwell, 2017
Resource Accessibility and Vulnerability in Andhra Pradesh: Caste and Non‐Caste Influences
L Bosher, E Penning‐Rowsell, S Tapsell
Development and change 38 (4), 615-640, 2007
Unpacking resilience policy discourse
K Chmutina, G Lizarralde, A Dainty, L Bosher
Cities 58, 70-79, 2016
Stop going around in circles: towards a reconceptualisation of disaster risk management phases
L Bosher, K Chmutina, D van Niekerk
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 30 (4/5), 525-537, 2021
Resilient design for community safety and terror-resistant cities
J Coaffee, C Moore, D Fletcher, L Bosher
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Municipal engineer 161 (2 …, 2008
Key factors influencing wider adoption of blue–green infrastructure in developing cities
N Drosou, R Soetanto, F Hermawan, K Chmutina, L Bosher, ...
Water 11 (6), 1234, 2019
City-scale accessibility of emergency responders operating during flood events
D Green, D Yu, I Pattison, R Wilby, L Bosher, R Patel, P Thompson, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 17 (1), 1, 2017
Dealing with multiple hazards and threats on cultural heritage sites: an assessment of 80 case studies
L Bosher, D Kim, T Okubo, K Chmutina, R Jigyasu
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 29 (1), 109-128, 2019
Integrating counter-terrorist resilience into sustainability
J Coaffee, L Bosher
Proceedings of the ICE-Urban Design and Planning 161 (2), 75-83, 2008
Introduction: the need for built-in resilience
L Bosher
Hazards and the Built Environment: Attaining Built-In Resilience. London …, 2008
Role of urban design and planning in disaster risk reduction
K Chmutina, T Ganor, L Bosher
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planning …, 2014
Disaster risk reduction or disaster risk production: the role of building regulations in mainstreaming DRR
K Chmutina, L Bosher
International journal of disaster risk reduction 13, 10-19, 2015
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Articles 1–20