Scott Johnson
Scott Johnson
Associate Professor
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Integrating pests and pathogens into the climate change/food security debate
PJ Gregory, SN Johnson, AC Newton, JSI Ingram
Journal of experimental botany 60 (10), 2827-2838, 2009
Implications of climate change for diseases, crop yields and food security
AC Newton, SN Johnson, PJ Gregory
Euphytica 179, 3-18, 2011
The fate of carbon in a mature forest under carbon dioxide enrichment
M Jiang, BE Medlyn, JE Drake, RA Duursma, IC Anderson, CVM Barton, ...
Nature 580 (7802), 227-231, 2020
Aboveground–belowground herbivore interactions: a meta‐analysis
SN Johnson, KE Clark, SE Hartley, TH Jones, SW McKenzie, J Koricheva
Ecology 93 (10), 2208-2215, 2012
Chemically‐mediated host‐plant location and selection by root‐feeding insects
SN Johnson, PJ Gregory
Physiological entomology 31 (1), 1-13, 2006
Characterization of nuclear effects in muon-neutrino scattering on hydrocarbon with a measurement of final-state kinematics and correlations in charged-current pionless …
K Abe, J Amey, C Andreopoulos, L Anthony, M Antonova, S Aoki, A Ariga, ...
Physical Review D 98 (3), 032003, 2018
Does mother know best? The preference–performance hypothesis and parent–offspring conflict in aboveground–belowground herbivore life cycles
KE Clark, SE Hartley, SN Johnson
Ecological Entomology 36 (2), 117-124, 2011
Roots under attack: contrasting plant responses to below‐and aboveground insect herbivory
SN Johnson, M Erb, SE Hartley
New Phytologist 210 (2), 413-418, 2016
Foraging in the dark–chemically mediated host plant location by belowground insect herbivores
SN Johnson, UN Nielsen
Journal of Chemical Ecology 38, 604-614, 2012
Plant‐mediated effects of soil invertebrates and summer drought on above‐ground multitrophic interactions
SN Johnson, JT Staley, FAL McLeod, SE Hartley
Journal of Ecology 99 (1), 57-65, 2011
Root-feeding insects and their interactions with organisms in the rhizosphere
SN Johnson, S Rasmann
Annual review of entomology 60 (1), 517-535, 2015
The role of silicon in antiherbivore phytohormonal signalling
CR Hall, JM Waterman, RK Vandegeer, SE Hartley, SN Johnson
Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 1132, 2019
Electrophysiological investigation of larval water and potential oviposition chemo-attractants for Anopheles gambiae s.s.
A Blackwell, SN Johnson
Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology 94 (4), 389-398, 2000
Simulated herbivory: the key to disentangling plant defence responses
JM Waterman, CI Cazzonelli, SE Hartley, SN Johnson
Trends in ecology & evolution 34 (5), 447-458, 2019
Trade-offs between silicon and phenolic defenses may explain enhanced performance of root herbivores on phenolic-rich plants
A Frew, JR Powell, N Sallam, PG Allsopp, SN Johnson
Journal of Chemical Ecology 42, 768-771, 2016
Microbial impacts on plant-herbivore interactions: the indirect effects of a birch pathogen on a birch aphid
SN Johnson, AE Douglas, S Woodward, SE Hartley
Oecologia 134, 388-396, 2003
Mycorrhizal fungi enhance nutrient uptake but disarm defences in plant roots, promoting plant-parasitic nematode populations
A Frew, JR Powell, G Glauser, AE Bennett, SN Johnson
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 126, 123-132, 2018
Reappraising the role of plant nutrients as mediators of interactions between root‐and foliar‐feeding insects
SN Johnson, C Hawes, AJ Karley
Functional Ecology 23 (4), 699-706, 2009
The ‘mother knows best’principle: should soil insects be included in the preference–performance debate?
SN Johnson, ANE Birch, PJ Gregory, PJ Murray
Ecological Entomology 31 (4), 395-401, 2006
Plant‐mediated effects of drought on aphid population structure and parasitoid attack
TJ Aslam, SN Johnson, AJ Karley
Journal of Applied Entomology 137 (1-2), 136-145, 2013
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Articles 1–20