Elena Sitnikova
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Cited by
Towards the development of realistic botnet dataset in the internet of things for network forensic analytics: Bot-iot dataset
N Koroniotis, N Moustafa, E Sitnikova, B Turnbull
Future Generation Computer Systems 100, 779-796, 2019
Identification of malicious activities in industrial internet of things based on deep learning models
ALH Muna, N Moustafa, E Sitnikova
Journal of information security and applications 41, 1-11, 2018
A new network forensic framework based on deep learning for Internet of Things networks: A particle deep framework
N Koroniotis, N Moustafa, E Sitnikova
Future Generation Computer Systems 110, 91-106, 2020
Towards developing network forensic mechanism for botnet activities in the IoT based on machine learning techniques
N Koroniotis, N Moustafa, E Sitnikova, J Slay
Mobile Networks and Management: 9th International Conference, MONAMI 2017 …, 2018
An integrated framework for privacy-preserving based anomaly detection for cyber-physical systems
M Keshk, E Sitnikova, N Moustafa, J Hu, I Khalil
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 6 (1), 66-79, 2019
X-IIoTID: A connectivity-agnostic and device-agnostic intrusion data set for industrial Internet of Things
M Al-Hawawreh, E Sitnikova, N Aboutorab
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (5), 3962-3977, 2021
Forensics and deep learning mechanisms for botnets in internet of things: A survey of challenges and solutions
N Koroniotis, N Moustafa, E Sitnikova
IEEE Access 7, 61764-61785, 2019
Privacy preservation intrusion detection technique for SCADA systems
M Keshk, N Moustafa, E Sitnikova, G Creech
2017 military communications and information systems conference (MilCIS), 1-6, 2017
Targeted ransomware: A new cyber threat to edge system of brownfield industrial Internet of Things
M Al-Hawawreh, F Den Hartog, E Sitnikova
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (4), 7137-7151, 2019
Collaborative anomaly detection framework for handling big data of cloud computing
N Moustafa, G Creech, E Sitnikova, M Keshk
2017 military communications and information systems conference (MilCIS), 1-6, 2017
Towards understanding cybersecurity capability in Australian healthcare organisations: a systematic review of recent trends, threats and mitigation
KL Offner, E Sitnikova, K Joiner, CR MacIntyre
Health Security Intelligence, 92-121, 2021
Leveraging deep learning models for ransomware detection in the industrial internet of things environment
M Al-Hawawreh, E Sitnikova
2019 military communications and information systems conference (MilCIS), 1-6, 2019
Privacy-preserving big data analytics for cyber-physical systems
M Keshk, N Moustafa, E Sitnikova, B Turnbull
Wireless Networks 28 (3), 1241-1249, 2022
Developing a security testbed for industrial internet of things
M Al-Hawawreh, E Sitnikova
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (7), 5558-5573, 2020
Privacy-preserving schemes for safeguarding heterogeneous data sources in cyber-physical systems
M Keshk, B Turnbull, E Sitnikova, D Vatsalan, N Moustafa
IEEE Access 9, 55077-55097, 2021
Asynchronous peer-to-peer federated capability-based targeted ransomware detection model for industrial IoT
M Al-Hawawreh, E Sitnikova, N Aboutorab
IEEE Access 9, 148738-148755, 2021
Industrial Internet of Things based ransomware detection using stacked variational neural network
M Al-Hawawreh, E Sitnikova
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on big data and internet of …, 2019
The power of hands-on exercises in SCADA cyber security education
E Sitnikova, E Foo, RB Vaughn
Information Assurance and Security Education and Training: 8th IFIP WG 11.8 …, 2013
Probability risk identification based intrusion detection system for SCADA systems
T Marsden, N Moustafa, E Sitnikova, G Creech
Mobile Networks and Management: 9th International Conference, MONAMI 2017 …, 2018
An efficient intrusion detection model for edge system in brownfield industrial internet of things
M Al-Hawawreh, E Sitnikova, F Den Hartog
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on big data and internet of …, 2019
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Articles 1–20