Jed I Macdonald
Jed I Macdonald
The Pacific Community
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Variability in Sr: Ca and Ba: Ca ratios in water and fish otoliths across an estuarine salinity gradient
JI Macdonald, DA Crook
Marine Ecology Progress Series 413, 147-161, 2010
Use of otolith chemistry to examine patterns of diadromy in the threatened Australian grayling Prototroctes maraena
DA Crook, JI Macdonald, JP O’Connor, B Barry
Journal of Fish Biology 69 (5), 1330-1344, 2006
Improving the upstream passage of two galaxiid fish species through a pipe culvert
JI Macdonald, PE Davies
Fisheries Management and Ecology 14 (3), 221-230, 2007
Do invasive eastern gambusia (Gambusia holbrooki) shape wetland fish assemblage structure in south-eastern Australia?
JI Macdonald, ZD Tonkin, DSL Ramsey, AK Kaus, AK King, DA Crook
Marine and Freshwater Research 63 (8), 659-671, 2012
What are the major global threats and impacts in marine environments? Investigating the contours of a shared perception among marine scientists from the bottom-up
WJ Boonstra, KM Ottosen, ASA Ferreira, A Richter, ...
Marine Policy 60, 197-201, 2015
Contemporary and historical patterns of connectivity among populations of an inland river fish species inferred from genetics and otolith chemistry
RJ Woods, JI Macdonald, DA Crook, DJ Schmidt, JM Hughes
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67 (7), 1098-1115, 2010
Catadromous migrations by female tupong (Pseudaphritis urvillii) in coastal streams in Victoria, Australia
DA Crook, WM Koster, JI Macdonald, SJ Nicol, CA Belcher, DR Dawson, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 61 (4), 474-483, 2010
A method for improving the estimation of natal chemical signatures in otoliths
JI Macdonald, JMG Shelley, DA Crook
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137 (6), 1674-1682, 2008
Recruitment sources and dispersal of an invasive fish in a large river system as revealed by otolith chemistry analysis
DA Crook, JI Macdonald, DG McNeil, DM Gilligan, M Asmus, R Maas, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70 (7), 953-963, 2013
Low interbasin connectivity in a facultatively diadromous fish: evidence from genetics and otolith chemistry
JM Hughes, DJ Schmidt, JI Macdonald, JA Huey, DA Crook
Molecular Ecology 23 (5), 1000-1013, 2014
A review of adaptation options in fisheries management to support resilience and transition under socio-ecological change
PJ Woods, JI Macdonald, H Bárðarson, S Bonanomi, WJ Boonstra, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 (2), 463-479, 2022
A review of the impact of eastern gambusia on native fishes of the Murray-Darling Basin
JI Macdonald, Z Tonkin
MDBA Publication No. 38/09, 2008
Evidence of diadromous movements in a coastal population of southern smelts (Retropinninae: Retropinna) from Victoria, Australia
DA Crook, JI Macdonald, TA Raadik
Marine and Freshwater Research 59 (7), 638-646, 2008
Insights into mixing and movement of South Pacific albacore Thunnus alalunga derived from trace elements in otoliths
JI Macdonald, JH Farley, NP Clear, AJ Williams, TI Carter, CR Davies, ...
Fisheries Research 148, 56-63, 2013
Migration history and stock structure of two putatively diadromous teleost fishes, as determined by genetic and otolith chemistry analyses
DJ Schmidt, DA Crook, JI Macdonald, JA Huey, BP Zampatti, S Chilcott, ...
Freshwater Science 33 (1), 193-206, 2014
Is variable connectivity among populations of a continental gobiid fish driven by local adaptation or passive dispersal?
JA Huey, DA Crook, JI Macdonald, DJ Schmidt, JC Marshall, ...
Freshwater Biology 59 (8), 1672-1686, 2014
Environmental cues and extended estuarine residence in seaward migrating eels (Anguilla australis)
DA Crook, JI Macdonald, JR Morrongiello, CA Belcher, D Lovett, A Walker, ...
Freshwater Biology 59 (8), 1710-1720, 2014
Combining multiple data sets to unravel the spatio-temporal dynamics of a data-limited fish stock
C Pinto, M Travers-Trolet, J Macdonald, E Rivot, Y Vermard
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (8), 1338-1349, 2019
Nursery sources and cohort strength of young‐of‐the‐year common carp (Cyprinus carpio) under differing flow regimes in a regulated floodplain river
JI Macdonald, DA Crook
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 23 (2), 269-282, 2014
Isolating the influence of ontogeny helps predict island-wide variability in fish otolith chemistry
JI Macdonald, RN Drysdale, R Witt, Z Cságoly, G Marteinsdóttir
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 30 (1), 173-202, 2020
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Articles 1–20