Kyungja Jung
Kyungja Jung
Social Inquiry, Social Political Change Academic Group University of Technology Sydney
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The work of policy: An international survey
HK Colebatch
Lexington Books, 2006
Rhetoric versus reality for the women of North Korea: Mothers of the revolution
K Jung, B Dalton
Asian Survey 46 (5), 741-760, 2006
Practicing feminism in South Korea: the issues of sexual violence and the women's movement [. Paper delivered at the Australian Women's Studies Association Conference,'(Other …
K Jung
Hecate 29 (2), 261-284, 2003
Practicing feminism in South Korea: The women’s movement against sexual violence
K Jung
Routledge, 2013
Framing and dominant metaphors in the coverage of North Korea in the Australian media
B Dalton, K Jung, J Willis, M Bell
The Pacific Review 29 (4), 523-547, 2016
The onward migration of North Korean refugees to Australia: In search of cosmopolitan habitus
K Jung, B Dalton, J Willis
Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 9 (3), 1-20, 2017
Becoming cosmopolitan women while negotiating structurally limited choices: The case of Korean migrant sex workers in Australia
B Dalton, K Jung
Organization 26 (3), 355-370, 2019
From patriarchal socialism to grassroots capitalism: The role of female entrepreneurs in the transition of North Korea
K Jung, B Dalton, J Willis
Women's Studies International Forum 68, 19-27, 2018
Fashion and the social construction of femininity in North Korea
B Dalton, K Jung, J Willis
Asian Studies Review 41 (4), 507-525, 2017
Neoliberal migration regime, escape from ‘Hell Joseon’and the pursuit of cosmopolitan aspiration: An overview of temporary migration from South Korea to Australia
K Jung, YM Jung
International Review of Korean Studies, 2020
The development of women’s policy in South Korea
K Jung
The work of policy: An international survey, 109-32, 2006
Factors influencing labour migration of Korean women into the entertainment and sex industry in Australia
H Jang, K Jung, BM Dalton
KSAA, 2009
The politics of ‘speaking out’: NESB women and the discourse of sexual assault in Australia
K Jung
Asian Journal of Women's Studies 4 (3), 109-145, 1998
Feeding the dictator or making a difference? The experiences of international aid and development agencies in North Korea 1995-2005
BM Dalton, K Jung
The International Review of Korean Studies, 2009
The Humanitarian's Dilemma: The experience of international NGOs in North Korea
BM Dalton, K Jung
Biennial Korean Studies Association of Australasia Conference, 2009
Constitution and maintenance of feminist practice: comparative case study of sexual assault centres in Australia and Korea
K Jung
UNSW Sydney, 2002
Women's Agency through Fashion in North Korea's Transition
K Jung, B Dalton
International Quarterly for Asian Studies (IQAS) 53 (1), 53-75, 2022
Framing young South Korean working holidaymakers in Australia: A longitudinal analysis of South Korean newspapers from 2000 to 2018
K Jung, YM Jung
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 30 (3), 257-281, 2021
Silence, mobility and ‘national values’: South Korean sex workers in Australia
J Ham, K Jung, H Jang
Sexualities 19 (4), 432-448, 2016
Women's image transformed: Femininity in North Korea
B Dalton, K Jung
East Asia Forum Quarterly 8 (2), 30-31, 2016
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Articles 1–20