Fabian Höflinger
Fabian Höflinger
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg / Fraunhofer-Institut für Kurzzeitdynamik, Ernst-Mach-Institut
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Cited by
Inertial sensor based indoor localization and monitoring system for emergency responders
R Zhang, F Hoflinger, L Reindl
IEEE Sensors Journal 13 (2), 838-848, 2012
A wireless micro inertial measurement unit (IMU)
F Höflinger, J Müller, M Törk, LM Reindl, W Burgard
Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2012 IEEE …, 2012
Adaptive zero velocity update based on velocity classification for pedestrian tracking
R Zhang, H Yang, F Höflinger, LM Reindl
IEEE Sensors journal 17 (7), 2137-2145, 2017
TDOA-based localization using interacting multiple model estimator and ultrasonic transmitter/receiver
R Zhang, F Höflinger, L Reindl
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 62 (8), 2205-2214, 2013
Acoustic Self calibrating System for Indoor Smartphone Tracking (ASSIST)
F Höflinger, J Wendeberg, R Zhang, J Bührer, M Hoppe, A Bannoura, ...
Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2012 International …, 2013
Calibration of an IMU Using 3-D Rotation Platform
R Zhang, F Höflinger, L Reindl
IEEE, 2014
Indoor localization using a smart phone
R Zhang, A Bannoura, F Höflinger, LM Reindl, C Schindelhauer
2013 IEEE sensors applications symposium proceedings, 38-42, 2013
Inertial sensor-based respiration analysis
G Karacocuk, F Höflinger, R Zhang, LM Reindl, B Laufer, K Möller, ...
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 68 (11), 4268-4275, 2019
Smartphone-based indoor localization system using inertial sensor and acoustic transmitter/receiver
H Yang, R Zhang, J Bordoy, F Höflinger, W Li, C Schindelhauer, L Reindl
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (22), 8051-8061, 2016
Acoustic Self‐Calibrating System for Indoor Smart Phone Tracking
A Ens, F Höflinger, J Wendeberg, J Hoppe, R Zhang, A Bannoura, ...
International journal of navigation and observation 2015 (1), 694695, 2015
Acoustic self-calibrating system for indoor smartphone tracking (assist)
F Hoflinger, R Zhang, J Hoppe, A Bannoura, LM Reindl, J Wendeberg, ...
2012 international conference on indoor positioning and indoor navigation (IPIN), 2012
Multimodal indoor localization: Fusion possibilities of ultrasonic and bluetooth low-energy data
G Fischer, J Bordoy, DJ Schott, W Xiong, A Gabbrielli, F Höflinger, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (6), 5857-5868, 2022
Indoor-localization system using a micro-inertial measurement unit (imu)
F Höflinger, R Zhang, LM Reindl
2012 European Frequency and Time Forum, 443-447, 2012
Indoor Localization System for Emergency Responders with Ultra Low-power Radio Landmarks
N Simon, J Bordoy, F Höflinger, J Wendeberg, M Schink, R Tannhäuser, ...
International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2015
Acoustic indoor-localization system for smart phones
F Höflinger, J Hoppe, R Zhang, A Ens, L Reindl, J Wendeberg, ...
2014 IEEE 11th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices …, 2014
Calibration-free TDOA self-localisation
J Wendeberg, F Höflinger, C Schindelhauer, L Reindl
Journal of Location Based Services 7 (2), 121-144, 2013
Anchor-free TDOA self-localization
J Wendeberg, F Höflinger, C Schindelhauer, L Reindl
2011 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 1-10, 2011
An echo suppression delay estimator for angle-of-arrival ultrasonic indoor localization
A Gabbrielli, W Xiong, DJ Schott, G Fischer, J Wendeberg, F Höflinger, ...
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-12, 2021
Smartphone remote control for home automation applications based on acoustic wake-up receivers
F Höflinger, GU Gamm, J Albesa, LM Reindl
2014 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2014
Exploiting acoustic echoes for smartphone localization and microphone self-calibration
J Bordoy, C Schindelhauer, F Höflinger, LM Reindl
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69 (4), 1484-1492, 2019
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Articles 1–20