Les Bowtell
Cited by
Cited by
Gasification of non-woody biomass: A literature review
ER Widjaya, G Chen, L Bowtell, C Hills
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 89, 184-193, 2018
Inorganic arsenic species removal from water using bone char: A detailed study on adsorption kinetic and isotherm models using error functions analysis
SSA Alkurdi, RA Al-Juboori, J Bundschuh, L Bowtell, A Marchuk
Journal of Hazardous Materials 405, 124112, 2021
A review of measuring, assessing and mitigating heat stress in dairy cattle
B Ji, T Banhazi, K Perano, A Ghahramani, L Bowtell, C Wang, B Li
Biosystems Engineering 199, 4-26, 2020
Effect of pyrolysis conditions on bone char characterization and its ability for arsenic and fluoride removal
SSA Alkurdi, RA Al-Juboori, J Bundschuh, L Bowtell, S McKnight
Environmental Pollution 262, 114221, 2020
Direct current offset controller for transformerless single-phase photovoltaic grid-connected inverters
L Bowtell, A Ahfock
IET Renewable Power Generation 4 (5), 428-437, 2010
Face-to-face instruction combined with online resources improves retention of clinical skills among undergraduate nursing students
VR Terry, PC Terry, C Moloney, L Bowtell
Nurse education today 61, 15-19, 2018
Direct contact ultrasound for fouling control and flux enhancement in air-gap membrane distillation
O Naji, RA Al-Juboori, L Bowtell, A Alpatova, N Ghaffour
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 61, 104816, 2020
Online intravenous pump emulator: As effective as face-to-face simulation for training nursing students
VR Terry, C Moloney, L Bowtell, PC Terry
Nurse education today 40, 198-203, 2016
Comparison between unipolar and bipolar single phase gridconnected inverters for PV applications
L Bowtell, T Ahfock
2007 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, 1-5, 2007
Modelling of heat stress in a robotic dairy farm. Part 1: Thermal comfort indices as the indicators of production loss
B Ji, T Banhazi, A Ghahramani, L Bowtell, C Wang, B Li
Biosystems Engineering 199, 27-42, 2020
Investigation of ethanol production potential from lignocellulosic material without enzymatic hydrolysis using the ultrasound technique
M Kandasamy, I Hamawand, L Bowtell, S Seneweera, S Chakrabarty, ...
Energies 10 (1), 62, 2017
Energy characterisation of ultrasonic systems for industrial processes
RA Al-Juboori, T Yusaf, L Bowtell, V Aravinthan
Ultrasonics 57, 18-30, 2015
Modelling of heat stress in a robotic dairy farm. Part 2: Identifying the specific thresholds with production factors
B Ji, T Banhazi, A Ghahramani, L Bowtell, C Wang, B Li
Biosystems Engineering 199, 43-57, 2020
Assessment of densified fuel quality parameters: A case study for wheat straw pellet
B Nath, G Chen, L Bowtell, RA Mahmood
Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts 8 (1), 45-58, 2023
DC offset elimination in a single-phase grid-connected photovoltaic system
TL Ahfock, L Bowtell
Proceedings of the 16th Australasian Universities Power Engineering …, 2006
Power effect of ultrasonically vibrated spacers in air gap membrane distillation: Theoretical and experimental investigations
RA Al-Juboori, O Naji, L Bowtell, A Alpatova, S Soukane, N Ghaffour
Separation and Purification Technology 262, 118319, 2021
Macadamia nutshell biochar for nitrate removal: Effect of biochar preparation and process parameters
S Bakly, RA Al-Juboori, L Bowtell
C 5 (3), 47, 2019
Insights into the scalability of magnetostrictive ultrasound technology for water treatment applications
RA Al-Juboori, LA Bowtell, T Yusaf, V Aravinthan
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 28, 357-366, 2016
Energy conversion efficiency of pulsed ultrasound
RA Al-Juboori, T Yusaf, L Bowtell
Energy Procedia 75, 1560-1568, 2015
Addition of activated carbon into a cattle diet to mitigate GHG emissions and improve production
M Al-Azzawi, L Bowtell, K Hancock, S Preston
Sustainability 13 (15), 8254, 2021
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Articles 1–20