Jesús Darío Nuñez
Jesús Darío Nuñez
IIMyC- Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras
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An intertidal limpet species as a bioindicator: pollution effects reflected by shell characteristics
JD Nuñez, MV Laitano, M Cledón
Ecological indicators 14 (1), 178-183, 2012
Host‐specific reproductive benefits, host selection behavior and host use pattern of the pinnotherid crab Calyptraeotheres garthi
EH Ocampo, JD Nuñez, M Cledón, JA Baeza
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 429, 36-46, 2012
Annual rhythms of temporal niche partitioning in the Sparidae family are correlated to different environmental variables
V Sbragaglia, JD Nuñez, D Dominoni, S Coco, E Fanelli, E Azzurro, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1708, 2019
Shell alterations in the limpet Bostrycapulus odites: a bioindicator of harbour pollution and mine residuals
MV Laitano, JD Nunez, M Cledón
Ecological indicators 34, 345-351, 2013
Phylogeny, phylogeography, and systematics of the American pea crab genus Calyptraeotheres Campos, 1990, inferred from molecular markers
EH Ocampo, R Robles, M Terossi, JD Nunez, M Cledon, FL Mantelatto
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 169 (1), 27-42, 2013
Schizymenia dubyi (Rhodophyta, Schizymeniaceae), a new introduced species in Argentina
ME Ramirez, JD Nuñez, EH Ocampo, CV Matula, M Suzuki, T Hashimoto, ...
New Zealand Journal of Botany 50 (1), 51-58, 2012
Quaternary ice sheets and sea level regression drove divergence in a marine gastropod along Eastern and Western coasts of South America
PJ Fernandez Iriarte, CA González-Wevar, NI Segovia, S Rosenfeld, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 844, 2020
Siphon nipping facilitates lethal predation in the clam Mesodesma mactroides (Reeve, 1854) (Mollusca: Bivalva)
M Cledón, JD Nuñez
Marine Biology 157, 737-745, 2010
Deep phylogeographic divergence among populations of limpet Siphonaria lessoni on the east and west coasts of South America
JD Nuñez, PJ Fernandez Iriarte, EH Ocampo, C Iudica, M Cledón
Marine Biology 162, 595-605, 2015
Clam population dynamics as an indicator of beach urbanization impacts
MV Laitano, NM Chiaradia, JD Nuñez
Ecological Indicators 101, 926-932, 2019
Predation risk modifies behaviour by shaping the response of identified brain neurons
F Magani, T Luppi, J Nuñez, D Tomsic
Journal of Experimental Biology 219 (8), 1172-1177, 2016
Neohelice granulata burrow fidelity behaviour related to landscape heterogeneity
JD Nuñez, PD Ribeiro, EH Ocampo, TA Luppi
Helgoland Marine Research 72, 1-10, 2018
Larval development of Calyptraeotheres garthi (Fenucci, 1975) (Brachyura, Pinnotheridae) described from laboratory-reared material, with notes of larval character …
EH Ocampo, JD Nunez, MS Lizarralde, M Cledón
Helgoland Marine Research 65, 347-359, 2011
Artificial light at night may increase the predation pressure in a salt marsh keystone species
JD Nuñez, CC Bas, MP García, EH Ocampo, PD Ribeiro, TA Luppi
Marine Environmental Research 167, 105285, 2021
The magnitude of behavioural responses to artificial light at night depends on the ecological context in a coastal marine ecosystem engineer
JD Nuñez, V Sbragaglia, ED Spivak, NM Chiaradia, TA Luppi
Marine Environmental Research 165, 105238, 2021
Parasitic castration in slipper limpets infested by the symbiotic crab Calyptraeotheres garthi
EH Ocampo, JD Nuñez, M Cledón, JA Baeza
Marine biology 161, 2107-2120, 2014
Hood-Building Dynamics and Mating Mode in the Temperate Fiddler Crab Uca Uruguayensis
PD Ribeiro, JH Christy, JD Nuñez, OO Iribarne
Journal of Crustacean Biology 36 (4), 507-514, 2016
Effect of biological and anthropogenic sound on the orientation behavior of four species of brachyuran crabs
MPS Moyano, M Ceraulo, FJ Hidalgo, T Luppi, J Nuñez, CA Radford, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 669, 107-120, 2021
The effect of temperature on the inhalant siphon regeneration of Amiantis purpurata (Lamarck, 1818)(Bivalvia; Veneridae)
JDÍ Nuñez, EH Ocampo, NM Chiaradia, E Morsan, M Cledón
Marine Biology Research 9 (2), 189-197, 2013
Effects of seawater temperature and seasonal irradiance on growth, reproduction, and survival of the endemic Antarctic brown alga Desmarestia menziesii (Phaeophyceae)
CV Matula, ML Quartino, JD Nuñez, K Zacher, I Bartsch
Polar Biology 45 (4), 559-572, 2022
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Articles 1–20