James Colless
James Colless
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Computation of molecular spectra on a quantum processor with an error-resilient algorithm
JI Colless, VV Ramasesh, D Dahlen, MS Blok, ME Kimchi-Schwartz, ...
Physical Review X 8 (1), 011021, 2018
Cryogenic control architecture for large-scale quantum computing
JM Hornibrook, JI Colless, ID Conway Lamb, SJ Pauka, H Lu, ...
Physical Review Applied 3 (2), 024010, 2015
Dispersive readout of a few-electron double quantum dot with fast rf gate sensors
JI Colless, AC Mahoney, JM Hornibrook, AC Doherty, H Lu, AC Gossard, ...
Physical review letters 110 (4), 046805, 2013
On-chip microwave quantum hall circulator
AC Mahoney, JI Colless, SJ Pauka, JM Hornibrook, JD Watson, ...
Physical Review X 7 (1), 011007, 2017
Frequency multiplexing for readout of spin qubits
JM Hornibrook, JI Colless, AC Mahoney, XG Croot, S Blanvillain, H Lu, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (10), 2014
An FPGA-based instrumentation platform for use at deep cryogenic temperatures
ID Conway Lamb, JI Colless, JM Hornibrook, SJ Pauka, SJ Waddy, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (1), 2016
Zero-field edge plasmons in a magnetic topological insulator
AC Mahoney, JI Colless, L Peeters, SJ Pauka, EJ Fox, X Kou, L Pan, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1836, 2017
Accretion of the Magellanic System onto the Galaxy
M Nichols, J Colless, M Colless, J Bland-Hawthorn
The Astrophysical Journal 742 (2), 110, 2011
Raman phonon emission in a driven double quantum dot
JI Colless, XG Croot, TM Stace, AC Doherty, SD Barrett, H Lu, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3716, 2014
Cryogenic high-frequency readout and control platform for spin qubits
JI Colless, DJ Reilly
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (2), 2012
Modular cryogenic interconnects for multi-qubit devices
JI Colless, DJ Reilly
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (11), 2014
Robust determination of molecular spectra on a quantum processor
JI Colless, VV Ramasesh, D Dahlen, MS Blok, JR McClean, J Carter, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.06408, 2017
Suppressing on-chip electromagnetic crosstalk for spin qubit devices
S Blanvillain, JI Colless, DJ Reilly, H Lu, AC Gossard
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (6), 2012
Low cost photonic comb for sub-m/s wavelength calibration
CH Betters, M Hermouet, T Blanc, JI Colless, J Bland-Hawthorn, J Kos, ...
Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and …, 2016
Implementing a variational quantum eigensolver using superconducting qubits
J Colless, V Ramasesh, D Dahlen, M Blok, J McClean, J Carter, ...
Quantum Information and Measurement, QF6A. 2, 2017
Implementation and applications of two qutrit gates in superconducting transmon qubits
M Blok, V Ramasesh, J Colless, K O'Brien, T Schuster, N Yao, I Siddiqi
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, K33. 004, 2018
Design and characterization of a multi-qubit circuit for quantum simulations
V Ramasesh, K O'Brien, A Dove, JM Kreikebaum, J Colless, I Siddiqi
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2017, C46. 010, 2017
Design, characterization, and multiplexed single-shot readout of a multi-qubit circuit for quantum simulation
K O’Brien, V Ramasesh, A Dove, JM Kreikebaum, J Colless, I Siddiqi
Quantum Information and Measurement, QF6A. 4, 2017
Scaling of variational quantum eigensolver performance in a superconducting quantum processor
K O'Brien, J Colless, V Ramasesh, D Dahlen, W Livingston, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, A33. 007, 2018
Stimulated Phonon Emission in a Driven Double Quantum Dot
JI Colless, XG Croot, TM Stace, AC Doherty, SD Barrett, H Lu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1305.5982, 2013
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Articles 1–20