Professor Dr.  M. Moshiul Hoque
Cited by
Cited by
Mobile data science and intelligent apps: concepts, AI-based modeling and research directions
IH Sarker, MM Hoque, MK Uddin, T Alsanoosy
Mobile Networks and Applications 26 (1), 285-303, 2021
Combined DWT-DCT based digital image watermarking technique for copyright protection
K Deb, MS Al-Seraj, MM Hoque, MIH Sarkar
2012 7th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2012
Crime Prediction Using Spatio-Temporal Data
S Hossain, A Abtahee, I Kashem, MM Hoque, IH Sarker
COMS 2 2020, CCIS 1235, 277-289, 2020
Sentiment analysis of Bengali texts on online restaurant reviews using multinomial Naïve Bayes
O Sharif, MM Hoque, E Hossain
2019 1st International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and …, 2019
Tackling cyber-aggression: Identification and fine-grained categorization of aggressive texts on social media using weighted ensemble of transformers
O Sharif, MM Hoque
Neurocomputing 490, 462-481, 2022
A Data-Driven Heart Disease Prediction Model Through K-Means Clustering-Based Anomaly Detection
RC Ripan, IH Sarker, SMM Hossain, MM Anwar, R Nowrozy, MM Hoque, ...
SN Computer Science 2 (2), 112, 2021
Automatic Detection of Eye Cataract using Deep Convolution Neural Networks (DCNNs)
MR Hossain, S Afroze, N Siddique, MM Hoque
2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2020
Sentiment Polarity Detection on Bengali Book Reviews Using Multinomial Naive Bayes
E Hossain, O Sharif, MM Hoque
Progress in Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering: Proceedings of …, 2021
Emotion Classification in a Resource Constrained Language Using Transformer-based Approach
A Das, O Sharif, MM Hoque, IH Sarker
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2021
Detecting suspicious texts using machine learning techniques
O Sharif, MM Hoque, ASM Kayes, R Nowrozy, IH Sarker
Applied Sciences 10 (18), 6527, 2020
NLP-CUET@ DravidianLangTech-EACL2021: Offensive Language Detection from Multilingual Code-Mixed Text using Transformers
O Sharif, E Hossain, MM Hoque
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for …, 2021
Bengali text document categorization based on very deep convolution neural network
MR Hossain, MM Hoque, N Siddique, IH Sarker
Expert Systems With Applications 184, 115394, 2021
A parsing methodology for Bangla natural language sentences
MM Hoque, MM Ali
Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information …, 2003
SentiLSTM: A Deep Learning Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Restaurant Reviews
E Hossain, O Sharif, MM Hoque, IH Sarker
Hybrid Intelligent Systems. HIS 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and …, 2021
An Efficient K-means Clustering Algorithm for Analysing COVID-19
M Zubair, MD Iqbal, A Shil, E Haque, MM Hoque, IH Sarker
In: Abraham A., Hanne T., Castillo O., Gandhi N., Nogueira Rios T., Hong TP …, 2021
MUTE: A Multimodal Dataset for Detecting Hateful Memes
E Hossain, O Sharif, MM Hoque
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the …, 2022
Classification of textual sentiment using ensemble technique
MMR Mamun, O Sharif, MM Hoque
SN Computer Science 3 (1), 49, 2022
Real-time distraction detection based on driver's visual features
L Alam, MM Hoque
2019 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication …, 2019
NLP-CUET@ LT-EDI-EACL2021: Multilingual Code-Mixed Hope Speech Detection using Cross-lingual Representation Learner
E Hossain, O Sharif, MM Hoque
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technology for Equality …, 2021
Combating hostility: Covid-19 fake news and hostile post detection in social media
O Sharif, E Hossain, MM Hoque
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.03291, 2021
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Articles 1–20