Karim Lekadir
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Cited by
Deep learning techniques for automatic MRI cardiac multi-structures segmentation and diagnosis: is the problem solved?
O Bernard, A Lalande, C Zotti, F Cervenansky, X Yang, PA Heng, I Cetin, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (11), 2514-2525, 2018
Multi-centre, multi-vendor and multi-disease cardiac segmentation: the M&Ms challenge
VM Campello, P Gkontra, C Izquierdo, C Martin-Isla, A Sojoudi, PM Full, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 40 (12), 3543-3554, 2021
A review of heart chamber segmentation for structural and functional analysis using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
P Peng, K Lekadir, A Gooya, L Shao, SE Petersen, AF Frangi
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 29, 155-195, 2016
A convolutional neural network for automatic characterization of plaque composition in carotid ultrasound
K Lekadir, A Galimzianova, A Betriu, M del Mar Vila, L Igual, DL Rubin, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 21 (1), 48-55, 2016
Image-based cardiac diagnosis with machine learning: a review
C Martin-Isla, VM Campello, C Izquierdo, Z Raisi-Estabragh, B Baeßler, ...
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine 7, 1, 2020
Data preparation for artificial intelligence in medical imaging: A comprehensive guide to open-access platforms and tools
O Diaz, K Kushibar, R Osuala, A Linardos, L Garrucho, L Igual, P Radeva, ...
Physica medica 83, 25-37, 2021
A high-resolution atlas and statistical model of the human heart from multislice CT
C Hoogendoorn, N Duchateau, D Sanchez-Quintana, T Whitmarsh, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 32 (1), 28-44, 2012
Statistical shape modeling of the left ventricle: myocardial infarct classification challenge
A Suinesiaputra, P Ablin, X Alba, M Alessandrini, J Allen, W Bai, S Cimen, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 22 (2), 503-515, 2017
Cardiac magnetic resonance radiomics: basic principles and clinical perspectives
Z Raisi-Estabragh, C Izquierdo, VM Campello, C Martin-Isla, A Jaggi, ...
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging 21 (4), 349-356, 2020
Outlier detection and handling for robust 3-D active shape models search
K Lekadir, R Merrifield, GZ Yang
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 26 (2), 212-222, 2007
Personalization of a cardiac electromechanical model using reduced order unscented Kalman filtering from regional volumes
S Marchesseau, H Delingette, M Sermesant, R Cabrera-Lozoya, ...
Medical image analysis 17 (7), 816-829, 2013
FUTURE-AI: guiding principles and consensus recommendations for trustworthy artificial intelligence in medical imaging
K Lekadir, R Osuala, C Gallin, N Lazrak, K Kushibar, G Tsakou, S Aussó, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.09658, 2021
Statistical interspace models (SIMs): application to robust 3D spine segmentation
I Castro-Mateos, JM Pozo, M Pereañez, K Lekadir, A Lazary, AF Frangi
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 34 (8), 1663-1675, 2015
Automatic initialization and quality control of large-scale cardiac MRI segmentations
X Alba, K Lekadir, M Pereanez, P Medrano-Gracia, AA Young, AF Frangi
Medical image analysis 43, 129-141, 2018
Cardiac segmentation on late gadolinium enhancement MRI: a benchmark study from multi-sequence cardiac MR segmentation challenge
X Zhuang, J Xu, X Luo, C Chen, C Ouyang, D Rueckert, VM Campello, ...
Medical Image Analysis 81, 102528, 2022
Federated learning for multi-center imaging diagnostics: a simulation study in cardiovascular disease
A Linardos, K Kushibar, S Walsh, P Gkontra, K Lekadir
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 3551, 2022
Data synthesis and adversarial networks: A review and meta-analysis in cancer imaging
R Osuala, K Kushibar, L Garrucho, A Linardos, Z Szafranowska, S Klein, ...
Medical Image Analysis 84, 102704, 2023
A radiomics approach to computer-aided diagnosis with cardiac cine-MRI
I Cetin, G Sanroma, SE Petersen, S Napel, O Camara, MAG Ballester, ...
Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. ACDC and MMWHS …, 2018
Radiomics signatures of cardiovascular risk factors in cardiac MRI: results from the UK biobank
I Cetin, Z Raisi-Estabragh, SE Petersen, S Napel, SK Piechnik, ...
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 7, 591368, 2020
An algorithm for the segmentation of highly abnormal hearts using a generic statistical shape model
X Alba, M Pereañez, C Hoogendoorn, AJ Swift, JM Wild, AF Frangi, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35 (3), 845-859, 2015
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Articles 1–20