Blake McKimmie
Blake McKimmie
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Social influence in the theory of planned behaviour: The role of descriptive, injunctive, and in‐group norms
KM White, JR Smith, DJ Terry, JH Greenslade, BM McKimmie
British journal of social psychology 48 (1), 135-158, 2009
On being loud and proud: Non‐conformity and counter‐conformity to group norms
MJ Hornsey, L Majkut, DJ Terry, BM McKimmie
British journal of social psychology 42 (3), 319-335, 2003
Attitude‐behaviour relations: the role of in‐group norms and mode of behavioural decision‐making
DJ Terry, MA Hogg, BM McKimmie
British journal of social psychology 39 (3), 337-361, 2000
Predicting the paths of peripherals: The interaction of identification and future possibilities
J Jetten, NR Branscombe, R Spears, BM McKimmie
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 29 (1), 130-140, 2003
Bad woman, bad victim? Disentangling the effects of victim stereotypicality, gender stereotypicality and benevolent sexism on acquaintance rape victim blame
B Masser, K Lee, BM McKimmie
Sex Roles 62, 494-504, 2010
I'm a hypocrite, but so is everyone else: Group support and the reduction of cognitive dissonance.
BM McKimmie, DJ Terry, MA Hogg, ASR Manstead, R Spears, B Doosje
Group Dynamics: Theory, research, and practice 7 (3), 214, 2003
What counts as rape? The effect of offense prototypes, victim stereotypes, and participant gender on how the complainant and defendant are perceived
BM McKimmie, BM Masser, R Bongiorno
Journal of interpersonal violence 29 (12), 2273-2303, 2014
Judgments of sexual assault: The impact of complainant emotional demeanor, gender, and victim stereotypes
RA Schuller, BM McKimmie, BM Masser, MA Klippenstine
New Criminal Law Review 13 (4), 759-780, 2010
An investigation of the stress-buffering effects of social support in the occupational stress process as a function of team identification.
NL Jimmieson, BM McKimmie, RL Hannam, J Gallagher
Group dynamics: Theory, research, and practice 14 (4), 350, 2010
Rape perpetrators on trial: The effect of sexual assault–related schemas on attributions of blame
SM Stuart, BM McKimmie, BM Masser
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 34 (2), 310-336, 2019
Jurors’ responses to expert witness testimony: The effects of gender stereotypes
BM McKimmie, CJ Newton, DJ Terry, RA Schuller
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 7 (2), 131-143, 2004
A meta-analysis of the emotional victim effect for female adult rape complainants: Does complainant distress influence credibility?
FT Nitschke, BM McKimmie, EJ Vanman
Psychological bulletin 145 (10), 953, 2019
Beliefs about error rates and human judgment in forensic science
G Ribeiro, JM Tangen, BM McKimmie
Forensic science international 297, 138-147, 2019
Suppressing the negative effect of devaluation on group identification: The role of intergroup differentiation and intragroup respect
J Jetten, MT Schmitt, NR Branscombe, BM McKimmie
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 41 (2), 208-215, 2005
The Impact of Expert Testimony on Jurors’ Decisions: Gender of the Expert and Testimony Complexity1
RA Schuller, D Terry, B McKimmie
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 35 (6), 1266-1280, 2005
Cognitive dissonance in groups
BM McKimmie
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 9 (4), 202-212, 2015
Social identity change during an intergroup merger: The role of status, similarity, and identity threat
CE Amiot, DJ Terry, BM McKimmie
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 34 (5), 443-455, 2012
The impact of an expert's gender on jurors' decisions
RA Schuller, D Terry, B McKimmie
Law & Psychol. Rev. 25, 59, 2001
Stereotypical and counterstereotypical defendants: Who is he and what was the case against her?
BM McKimmie, JM Masters, BM Masser, RA Schuller, DJ Terry
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 19 (3), 343, 2013
The dock on trial: Courtroom design and the presumption of innocence
M Rossner, D Tait, B McKimmie, R Sarre
Journal of Law and Society 44 (3), 317-344, 2017
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Articles 1–20