Regina McGlinchey
Regina McGlinchey
VA Boston Healthcare System; Harvard Medical School
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The anticholinergic risk scale and anticholinergic adverse effects in older persons
JL Rudolph, MJ Salow, MC Angelini, RE McGlinchey
Archives of internal medicine 168 (5), 508-513, 2008
International meta-analysis of PTSD genome-wide association studies identifies sex-and ancestry-specific genetic risk loci
CM Nievergelt, AX Maihofer, T Klengel, EG Atkinson, CY Chen, KW Choi, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4558, 2019
Smaller hippocampal volume in posttraumatic stress disorder: a multisite ENIGMA-PGC study: subcortical volumetry results from posttraumatic stress disorder consortia
MW Logue, SJH Van Rooij, EL Dennis, SL Davis, JP Hayes, JS Stevens, ...
Biological psychiatry 83 (3), 244-253, 2018
Comorbid illness is associated with survival and length of hospital stay in patients with chronic disability: a prospective comparison of three comorbidity indices
PA Rochon, JN Katz, LA Morrow, R McGlinchey-Berroth, MM Ahlquist, ...
Medical care 34 (11), 1093-1101, 1996
Measurement of post‐operative cognitive dysfunction after cardiac surgery: a systematic review
JL Rudolph, KA Schreiber, DJ Culley, RE McGlinchey, G Crosby, ...
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 54 (6), 663-677, 2010
Impaired trace eyeblink conditioning in bilateral, medial-temporal lobe amnesia.
R McGlinchey-Berroth, MC Carrillo, JDE Gabrieli, CM Brawn, JF Disterhoft
Behavioral neuroscience 111 (5), 873, 1997
Semantic processing in the neglected visual field: Evidence from a lexical decision task
R McGlinchey-Berroth, WP Milberg, M Verfaellie, M Alexander, PT Kilduff
Cognitive Neuropsychology 10 (1), 79-108, 1993
Intact delay-eyeblink classical conditioning in amnesia.
JDE Gabrieli, R McGlinchey-Berroth, MC Carrillo, MA Gluck, LS Cermak, ...
Behavioral neuroscience 109 (5), 819, 1995
Cardiovascular disease risk factors and cognition in the elderly
EC Leritz, RE McGlinchey, I Kellison, JL Rudolph, WP Milberg
Current cardiovascular risk reports 5, 407-412, 2011
The Boston Assessment of Traumatic Brain Injury–Lifetime (BAT-L) semistructured interview: evidence of research utility and validity
CB Fortier, MM Amick, L Grande, S McGlynn, A Kenna, L Morra, A Clark, ...
The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation 29 (1), 89-98, 2014
Deployment‐related psychiatric and behavioral conditions and their association with functional disability in OEF/OIF/OND veterans
SM Lippa, JR Fonda, CB Fortier, MA Amick, A Kenna, WP Milberg, ...
Journal of traumatic stress 28 (1), 25-33, 2015
Accelerated DNA methylation age: associations with PTSD and neural integrity
EJ Wolf, MW Logue, JP Hayes, N Sadeh, SA Schichman, A Stone, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 63, 155-162, 2016
Association between white matter microstructure, executive functions, and processing speed in older adults: the impact of vascular health
HIL Jacobs, EC Leritz, VJ Williams, MPJ Van Boxtel, W Elst, J Jolles, ...
Human brain mapping 34 (1), 77-95, 2013
Thickness of the human cerebral cortex is associated with metrics of cerebrovascular health in a normative sample of community dwelling older adults
EC Leritz, DH Salat, VJ Williams, DM Schnyer, JL Rudolph, L Lipsitz, ...
Neuroimage 54 (4), 2659-2671, 2011
Brain network disturbance related to posttraumatic stress and traumatic brain injury in veterans
JM Spielberg, RE McGlinchey, WP Milberg, DH Salat
Biological psychiatry 78 (3), 210-216, 2015
A methodology for assessing deployment trauma and its consequences in OEF/OIF/OND veterans: The TRACTS longitudinal prospective cohort study
RE McGlinchey, WP Milberg, JR Fonda, CB Fortier
International journal of methods in psychiatric research 26 (3), e1556, 2017
Reduced cortical thickness with increased lifetime burden of PTSD in OEF/OIF Veterans and the impact of comorbid TBI
ER Lindemer, DH Salat, EC Leritz, RE McGlinchey, WP Milberg
Neuroimage: clinical 2, 601-611, 2013
The correlation of methylation levels measured using Illumina 450K and EPIC BeadChips in blood samples
MW Logue, AK Smith, EJ Wolf, H Maniates, A Stone, SA Schichman, ...
Epigenomics 9 (11), 1363-1371, 2017
Inter-individual variation in blood pressure is associated with regional white matter integrity in generally healthy older adults
DH Salat, VJ Williams, EC Leritz, DM Schnyer, JL Rudolph, LA Lipsitz, ...
Neuroimage 59 (1), 181-192, 2012
Posttraumatic psychological symptoms are associated with reduced inhibitory control, not general executive dysfunction
J DeGutis, M Esterman, B McCulloch, A Rosenblatt, W Milberg, ...
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 21 (5), 342-352, 2015
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Articles 1–20