Usha Haley
Usha Haley
W. Frank Barton Distinguished Chair in International Business & Kansas Faculty of Distinction
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Subsidies to Chinese Industry: State Capitalism, Business Strategy, and Trade Policy
UCV Haley, GT Haley
Oxford University Press, 2013
Corporate contributions as managerial masques: Reframing corporate contributions as strategies to influence society
UCV Haley
Journal of Management Studies 28 (5), 485-510, 1991
Cognitive trails in strategic decision‐making: linking theories of personalities and cognitions
UCV Haley, SA Stumpf
Journal of Management Studies 26 (5), 477-497, 1989
New Asian Emperors: The Overseas Chinese, their Strategies and Competitive Advantages
GT Haley, CT Tan, UCV Haley
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998
Antenarratives of organizational change: The microstoria of Burger King’s storytelling in space, time and strategic context
DM Boje, UCV Haley, R Saylors
Human Relations 69 (2), 391-418, 2016
Government policy and firm strategy in the solar photovoltaic industry
UCV Haley, DA Schuler
California Management Review 54 (1), 17-38, 2011
Storytelling the internationalization of the multinational enterprise
UCV Haley, DM Boje
Journal of International Business Studies 45 (9), 1115-1132, 2014
The effects of patent-law changes on innovation: The case of India's pharmaceutical industry
GT Haley, UCV Haley
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 79 (4), 607-619, 2012
When the tourists flew in: strategic implications of foreign direct investment in Vietnam’s tourism industry
UCV Haley, GT Haley
Management Decision 35 (8), 595-604, 1997
The Chinese Tao of business: The logic of successful business strategy
GT Haley, UCV Haley, CT Tan
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Crafted culture: governmental sculpting of modern Singapore and effects on business environments
UCV Haley, L Low
Journal of Organizational Change Management 11 (6), 530-553, 1998
Assessing and controlling business risks in China
UCV Haley
Journal of International Management 9 (3), 237-252, 2003
Boxing with shadows: competing effectively with the Overseas Chinese and Overseas Indian business networks in the Asian arena
GT Haley, UCV Haley
Journal of Organizational Change Management 11 (4), 301-320, 1998
Singapore Incorporated: reinterpreting Singapore’s business environments through a corporate metaphor
UCV Haley, L Low, MH Toh
Management Decision 34 (9), 17-28, 1996
Measuring and Achieving Scholarly Impact: A Report from the Academy of Management's Practice Theme Committee
UCV Haley, MC Page, TS Pitsis, JY Rivas, KF Yu
Academy of Management, 2017
Multinational Corporations in Political Environments: Ethics, Values and Strategies
UCV Haley
World Scientific, 2001
The Logic of Chinese Business Strategy: East vs. West, Part 1
GT Haley, UCV Haley
Journal of Business Strategy 27 (1), 35-42, 2006
Corporate Restructuring and Governance in East Asia: An Overview
UCV Haley
Seoul Journal of Economics 13 (3), 225-251, 2000
Paradoxes of “creativity”: Examining the creative process through an antenarrative lens
M Stierand, DM Boje, V Glăveanu, V Dörfler, UCV Haley, M Feuls
The Journal of Creative Behavior 53 (2), 165-170, 2019
How Chinese subsidies changed the world
UCV Haley, GT Haley
Harvard Business Review, 2013
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Articles 1–20